Remove natural velf options

It’s actually the other way around. The Blood Elves were a reward for the Horde-players who were in dire need of actual players during Vanilla. You might not like the change but it is reasonable and needed.

Let Blizzard undo their mistake in giving the Alliance Void Elves. It should have been High Elves from the very, very beginning with the Void-topic being an actual playable class.


Well then lets remove Goblins and replace them with Ogers since that was the orginal choice they were going to go with.

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My character’s set is a work in progress; many of my favorite sets from when I played a blood elf don’t look as good. That’s exactly why the upcoming changes are necessary. It’s taking me forever to farm stuff that is going to look good on my character

Discourse everyone

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Translated = I want to be a blood elf but horde is bad.


Yes, that’s correct.


Yeah thats cool, i’m not on either side in this topic, just a funny statement specifically on a hide all character :joy:

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Dwarfs are ugly and Alliance is bad.

It’s okay, Dwarven ugliness is soon going to be balanced out by an abundance of Alliance High Elves.

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Too bad, so sad.

uhh actually I do want to be a blood elf but horde is an endangered species on Proudmoore

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Many races got cut, including the Naga.

At this point it’s pretty hard to remove something but we still can add them to the Horde.

Yeah, no, look who’s going through the forums right now necroing old threads to rub this stupid decision in people’s faces? The high elf fandom while having plenty of decent people in it has some really nasty pieces of work in it that go out of their way to be miserable and in some cases do some really objectionable things to people who disagree with them.

I mean, yes, that is a portion of the reason, but not the entire one, they also really enjoyed the twisting of the generic wood elves into night elves so they followed that up by twisting the high elves into blood elves. And again we get the obnoxious calls to take something unique to the horde away because some people just want the generic boring version.

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Translated, High Elves have long been presented as a key Alliance race, appearing in a significant role in almost every expansion. That means they’ve seen more exposure and development than Gnomes, Dwarves and Draenei, among others.

And I say that as a Horde player who actually prefers Blood Elves lmao


So, finally the Alliance is getting something to fit there Alliance High Elf Fantasy, and people here are upset. But think about this for a second:

Blood Elves are of Light and Arcane. Void Elves are infused with the Void. Blood Elves are either Green or Golden eyes, to show of either there past tainted with demonic magic or holy magic. Void Elves are infused with the void.

This isn’t to make Void Elves into Blood Elves, but are to allow people to pick the option to play as an Alliance High Elf. Enough is enough, the dice has been cast.

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That’s YOU problem not a Horde problem you picked the server. deal with the outcome.

Still not going to bring people back like they think.

I don’t really care if it does or not, I’m happy that I can finally play an Alliance High Elf. Humans, Dwarves, and High Elves being together feels smooth and natural, it’s great.


But the company already has and said FU again to Blood elf players not sure what your not seeing.


You want your Lord of the Ring setting the game is still on line go play it.

Well, you have to remember that only Alliance concerns are valid, any concerns for the horde or the races of it are just greediness and gatekeeping or whatever other way they want to dismiss those concerns by making them appear to be driven by bad intentions.