Remove lvl 60's from pre-60 pvp

Okay so you don’t get

At pre 60. Lmfao. Do you even know what you’re talking about.

Also lmfao. Imagine crying about getting called out on your 1200cr

When you say stuff like this lmfao. Keep playing that victim my man. You’re about as low information clueless with lowbie pvp as I’ve seen. Almost all of your posts can be summed up with this.

But you do.

You do know you can get trinkets before level 60 right? I think you might not be understanding something again.

Once again… You make things up as you go… Did I specify the trinket?

But continue on… Keep making assumptions and twisting things, I’m still waiting on your evidence to prove me wrong. :slight_smile:

Look. I get it. You again want to shift what you said. Nobody in pvp talks about a pve trink proc. THis i all about your pvp stat buff one helping you do mega burst, or your on use. Stop being dishonest. Its not hard.

You are really struggling here. They do when they are twinking :slight_smile:

But what would you know? You barely play this game.

ooof. So you’re out of trying to lie in an argument to make yourself look good. Big cringe. Just stop nobody needs a trash tier troll like you here.

Lol… Is that all you can do?

Provide evidence? Nope
Make a logical argument? Nope
Cherry pick and take things out of context? Yep
Make assumptions and use words like ‘nobody’ speaking for multiple people? Yep.

What’s cringe is the fact I got rating shamed when you have absolutely no idea what my rating is. What I do know is you’re a sub 1550 player with 33 honor level.

Your inexperience is really showing. But keep trying, I’m amused. :clown_face: :

This is literally everything you’ve done.

I mean am I 2.2k? No. I’m 1715 in 3’s with a 63 honor level.

Oh look there you go again. Doing what you’re crying about.

Whats sad is you started by trying to raiting shame. Now you’re complaining somebody did it back. Big yikers.

Nope :slight_smile: That’s you. You complain about a disparity without providing evidence of the disparity.

Sure you are.

So you admit you rating shame based on no evidence? Lol… Point proven that you make arguments without data. :clown_face:

I go based on data… I’m not seeing it :slight_smile:

So you admit to doing the same thing? What is this gotcha thing? Lmfao? You litterally did this.

Imagine being this dumb my dude. Also achievements for pvp aren’t account wide. Their character specific. Imagine not knowing that LOL.
Trying to raiting shame me while posting on a classic character with no armory kinda confirms you to be trash tier lol.

I provided evidence :slight_smile:

LOL WHAT? You are so amusing…

You sound salty…


LOL are you sure about that?

I’m sure this level 27 pally got duelist on this toon. :slight_smile:

Kekw. Go log on. Go to interface. Social. Display only character achievements to others. Oh look. Now achievements from a character are just what that character has. But you shoudl know that. Cuz you use evidence. :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Does that option say “Display only pvp character achievements”… Yes that is an option you can hide achievements. But you specifically said

LOL… Now you are backpedaling. Want to provide evidence of your amazing record?


Thats not even backpedaling. Also 1715cr, isn’t an amazing record. That’s literally trash. Maybe you need to learn what Backpedaling means.

Oh sorry, I was imagining what you would be doing sub 1550.

Must be hard to see with all this egg on your face. Just stop trolling. Get out of here already lmfao. Tell your GF’s boyfriend I said hi. Maybe go back to fortnite and try cutting your teeth in children. That’s a bit more your level.

I think I’m reading it pretty clearly. Would you like to discuss the fictional 1750 you are currently at?

I can’t even figure out your level because it’s so low it’s basically non existent.

Imagine still lying about stuff after being called out all thread on it. Actual grape head here.

Posts on a lvl 10 classic character. :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

What have I lied about again? lol… I’m not the one producing imaginary ratings when your profile shows otherwise. Oh wait you specifically went into your settings to hide them… I’m sure.

Yes I am :slight_smile:

And yes you are a

You want to try again? :clown_face:

Oh you are right. I made a mistake. I gave you more fictional rating than I should have… I should have said “Would you like to discuss the fictional 1715”… Thank you for bringing that to my attention.
