Remove cooldown from Faeline stomp

Removing the cooldown would make our quality of life extremely better. Removing the cooldown won’t make it overpowering because it’s a weak heal and high mana cost.



However, I do think that thunder focus tea should reset the cooldown. There should be a way to get your stomp back if your tank moves the boss out of the area.

Why would you disagree? It’s clearly QOL. Argue against this.

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Like I mentioned before:
No, FLS is fine as it is. It’s meant to be used on cooldown when possible to lower the CD of TFT for Upwelled EF more often, especially in Raid. The EF bolts from FLS also stack with regular EF casts.
If you remove the cooldown, you have to nerf it, and they would 100% remove the EF bolts from it, which would kill the synergy.

What does need to be changed is FLS being able to be reset when under the effects of Ancient Concordance/Awakened Faeline without having to stand in the Faeline. That would instantly alleveate the problems and keep the synergy intact.

Why? The cool down resets when youre actively fighting anything. Do you even play in game?

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Cooldown resets often enough it might as well have no cd

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Completely agree. FLS is the core of FW play. It’s not just a single CD, all FW major heals require it to be out. Sure as MW it’s a nice CD, but as FW you really have no other option. It’d be like disc priest being locked out of shields, or druids locked out of hots, for 10-15s every once in a while on a RNG whim.

And why does fighting in FLS have an increased chance of proccing it!?? Who thought that was a good idea. It’s when I’m force to move off it that I need to refresh it.

M+ is filled with movement. From tanks that have ADHD, to endless ground-based aoe, to quaking/thundering/spiteful/volcanic/and half a dozen other affixes, to boss mechanics, predicting where/when to stomp isn’t always possible.

If they’re afraid of FLS spamming then just change the dmg/heal to a dot/hot.

Also Ancient Teachings, Ancient Concordance, and Awakened Faeline need to be rolled into a single buff. Tracking 3 buffs, which all do slightly different versions of the same, all of what are needed to heal, is ridiculous.

Partially agree.
In my opinion you could easily do a compromise:
Give FLS an 8 sec CD (the time the buff lingers when you leave it).
That way, standing on the FLS would still benefit you from procs for more casts (if somebody wants to do that) but if you need to immediately leave the FLS entirely, you will be able to recast it immediately after the buff runs out.
This way spamming wouldn’t be an option and the RNG wouldn’t be as hurting if you don’t get the proc.

I think that this idea would pack almost all wishes I read into one balanced way to change it.

Faeline Stomp costs 10k mana…….spamming it to lower the cd of TFT is not efficient. EF bolts don’t stack……they extend the duration which doesn’t lead to a HPS increase. Faeline stomp only casts 5 bolts of EF.

Those of you standing there all the time resetting your FS are doing lower level content.

They actually do stack - well, the EF bolts from EF with the one’s from FLS for a max of 2 EF stacks. They don’t further increase the mastery when both are active though.

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EF and FLS-EF do stack. The bolts from FLS-EF also do decent upfront healing.

If you’re decent at Fistweaving you’ll have literally 0 mana issues.

Guess I do Low-Level content though.

It’s not a matter of ‘resetting all the time’. It’s M+ were dungeon/affix/tank mechanics means you may have to recast simply due to all the movement. I have no problems with it being inefficient to recast over itself, in fact that should be the case.

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