Remix has brought out the worst in people

this tells me all i need to know about you.

when a vote kick gets initiated the other 4 players generally know the salty player who initiated it and we swiftly kick people like you

it brings the 4 of us much joy doing so and we tend to bond in chat when we are rid of you

shiiiiiiieeeet gibs me dat for free

thanks for speaking for 100% of all other players

Lol, you should go check out classic if you wanna see the worst in people.

You’d be able to see all of their polygons, truly terrifying.

“Limited Time”

Knowing patterns. All the geared players will quit logging in, it’s easiest to keep up with the curve to get stuff done. Example, I got M SoO done for title. I bet as it goes on, less and less will run it and it’ll be harder to find 476’s to blast it

goofball take; nobody thinks one tapping a boss for six, seven, eight years to get a 1/2000 mount is “prestigious” because all the prestige of killing the bosses evaporated as soon as anyone who had progressed two expansions past the content could kill the boss on an underleveled alt in greens

adding insults to your argument just makes you look like a child bitter about their glorious pixels being less exclusive because the massive time rng timesink that chasing these mounts are has been ever-so-slightly diminished. 0 reason to play the game? good, peace out dude


Mop was already bad for dungeons as ppl used to steam roll it.
Remix takes it to another ultra level.

You need to for go the trinity and the mindset of needing other players to do content in Remix , then you will enjoy it.

I always enjoyed playing ele shaman but pretty much thrown into resto for groups , next remix if we have one - goin Shammy :smiley: