Remix has brought out the worst in people

You’re literally yelling at everyone to play how YOU want. Get real. Lmao


You gotta catch up to the group if you wanna be part of the group. This is group content, not straggler content.


Yet here you are demanding they do what you want.

On this we can agree, you insulting folks who aren’t playing the way you want makes you the selfish one, 100%.

Nobody is ignoring that some classes are faster than others, it is not at all relevant here though. If the boss dies before they get in range to cast their frostbolt, it does not matter, they get the rewards all the same.

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When was Mists of Pandaria: Remix ever advertised as “team-based”?


It’s a real impact to drop into a group that’s doing 10M DPS and then into one that doing 1M. The first one is tourist mode, try not to die, and keep up. The latter, you actually have to participate.

Not that is necessarily bad, but the run time is much longer.

This would not be a problem normally, but when the 10M DPS run is ROUTINE, then the “only” 1M DPS group is a drag.

I flew from that flight point that borders the Dread Wastes and the Vale to Halfhill. I did 5 LFRs during that flght, all of them taking mere minutes…except one, which was a slog.

And, yea, it was a drag.

Remix has been “ruined” by this since the start, so now I just expect it and want to get stuff done and get out.

You could run it by yourself.

Really? If that’s how it works then I’ll try it.



This is why i quit remix after my second 70 and never looked back.

I spent all my bronze on mounts and transmogs i wanted and quit remix and went back to retail.

Remix sucks and is terrible


Let me get this straight…


So, im level 10, i see i can que for heroic dungeons,

“Oh sweet, let me check it out.”

Mind you ive never done a heroic dungeon in remix.

I port in, i see a blood dk level 45, a level 20 holy priest, a level 63 ele shaman and a level 55 windwalker monk.

The level 20 holy priest blitz off on their own. Its temple of the jade serpent so the holy priest takes off to the first boss room. Wise mari. Mmk?

Holy priest solos all the mobs up to wise mari and proceeds to dps, kills wise mari and immediately blitzs off…

Im sitting here wondering what happenened, by the time i loot the first boss the holy priest has already started killing the adds in the second room, the panda figher before sha of fear. The boss dies as im leaving the first bosses room. The panda boss despawns and gives no loot (this actually happens to me) holy priest does not care about the rest of the group then blazes off and pulls sha of fear and in 2 seconds the boss dies. I loot my stuff and holy priest leaves…

Thats remix in a nutshell.

Remix is a broken mess and im glad i quit playing it. Retail is so much better.

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mate , the only problems you are having are created by yourself. The other people are doing what remix is susposed to be like . I have had many queued instances where my remix main hasnt even fired a shot in anger. I just run along and happily collect the loot. thats how it is in this mode of the game. Expecting others to slow down for you is totally arrogant in my opinion .

Want to do raids in remix where bosses dont die in a few seconds , do heroic mode


It’s concerning that this is the reality of what gaming has become. Not just wow either, literally every game. What happened to playing for fun and getting things along the way instead of min maxing collections


Companies like Blizzard became beholden to shareholders and metrics so everything takes forever or is incredibly rare for whatever reason. In no sane world should it have ever been possible for the heavenly onyx cloud serpent to take some people 10 years of consistent Sha kills to get, but here we are

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What part of “overpowered” is hard to conceptualize? The whole point of the event is to be quick.
Sounds like its not for you.

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Not gonna lie, it’s nice while levelling to pop into an lfr wing and have the bosses dead before my slow mage butt gets into the room. I just run through and get my rewards lol.

I was having the same problem, so I put haste and speed gems in all the slots. Done.

Lets just say its not the gameplay, its the people behind the character.

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Basically a bunch of forum noob “gimmedats” begged and begged and 4 of the most prestigious mounts and one of the rarest tmog pieces (tusks) got added to a vendor for everyone. Finally true and glorious communist equity has been achieved

Basically we are a year or 2 away from there being no visual difference between a player with 300 hours and one with 5000

Inb4 solar spirehawk gets put in a vendor
Inb4 removed pvp rewards get added
Inb4 black qaraji war tank gets readded
Inb4 corrupted ash bringer/atiesh added to trading post for 3000 tender

0 reason to play the game. You want that KSM mount? Leave and come back in 3 years for the special event and you can buy it after grinding open world trash mobs for 3 hours

I have Challenge mode gold rewards that I do not give a single flying flip about if someone else gets them a decade after I did.

You care way too much about that kind of thing lmao


This comment gave me intense anxiety.

My apologies. That was not my intent.

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