Remix has brought out the worst in people

change everything from benefitting damage and focus solely on speed first and haste second.
Take every movement advantage you can and you’ll be able to keep up. YOUR damage doesnt matter given these jokers can 3 shot every boss at this point.

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I struggle to imagine a worse way to start a topic than this.

People are there to run the content, not to chit-chat at the portal. That really is no different than retail.

Welcome to WoW, you cannot kick people for the first two or three minutes.

It seems like you should try to find a group of players that have similar expectations to your own. Even in retail, random dungeon groups are there to run the dungeon, not to slowly explore every nook and cranny.

Most everything below heroic raiding (and tbh, some heroic raiding too) is able to be done solo with high gear, the mode was advertised as crazy overpowered.

I would encourage you to put together a speed set, get that 4900 speed, run the speed boost tinker and a speed cogwheel if you want to be hot on people’s tails. You still won’t be the fastest man alive, sure, but I have literally never encountered a situation where I was too far to get loot or boss credit.

Literally not the case. I got Paragon of the Mists a few days ago without frog farming, and had heroic throne of thunder (which imo was the harder raid) before that.

Frog farmers hit the initial cloak cap and had their stats reduced, heavily in many cases.

Overpowered? Maybe.

I fail to see the problem here, you still get credit for the instance as long as you are remotely present. Pretty much just be zoned in. The alternative here is them afking until you are satisfied hitting your buttons, then they immolation everything.

I hate this elevator, I always miss it in timewalking. But this one is automatic, unlike the one in Gate of the Setting Sun, it just runs on a timer.

I’ve never missed boss credit on Xin due to missing the elevator. Did you miss credit for Xin? Or did you only get 2/3 bosses for the dungeon? The Saurok fight is improperly flagged somehow, it does not count towards bosses killed.

Literally not in the social contract.

People don’t believe it is inconsiderate to run the content they are there for. Worst possible case, someone who is afk or auto-running doesn’t get to pretend to fight the boss and just loot the body, you still get full credit either way.

This is the equivalent of giving a kid a controller without batteries in it. They can show up, feel like they are hitting buttons, but ultimately if they are minimally geared or in the level up zone of death, they do not do meaningful damage.

Generally a good amount when you have one person who goes afk, or when you can melt the bosses in under 30 seconds anyway. It’s not like someone else’s rewards per raid is going to go down either.

If you do not enjoy being lower geared, upgrade gear. Get speed gems, get that +62%, or the 83% with the cogwheel boost that activates when you don’t cast or attack for a few seconds. Run a speed talent set. The alternative to them downing the boss, and clearing the content, is them not playing. If it is unfun for you in the crazy OP mode I think you may want to not play this mode.

The one that people are conflating in this thread, to be clear. Since that is what you and the OP have implied or outright said.

DH is crazy OP in the crazy OP mode. I saw Fury warriors who were crazy OP too. I do think Fury could use some adjustments but that has no relation to this thought.

First, that is literally not a thing, the most wild death zone you can get is starfall which is non-instant. Second off, this is a complaint about someone clearing an instance which gives credit to their whole team, so the issue you try to conflate it with is more different than similar.

You cannot solo lfr or random dungeons. If you dislike random groups, you are welcome to make your own group to ensure you can run content the way you want.

If someone is as geared as discussed above, your contribution is not relevant, and the mode was pitched off having that insane OP behavior.

Shadowlands: Oblivion. You have my vote.

You get credit if you are relatively nearby to the boss room, and I have yet to see an example of that not happening even when I am leveling an alt with little if any gear.

The first reply to your original post is a disagreement, which has more likes than your original post.

You have provided no facts and began making things up.

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Your right, it does. You’re the common denominator.

No thanks. I am not waiting 20m to do a dungeon I did 10-12 years ago, because 1 guy thinks he’s missing out on something

Slow and steady never won a race, that dumb rabbit took a nap

I think it’s because some group members have outrageously powerful cloaks. I am Healing in Remix, and honestly, all I do is run behind looting! I constantly get locked out of boss fights, but it doesn’t matter, because the boss dies in seconds!

I did a Heroic 2 days ago and I think everyone expected this, because the whole group died to avoidable stuff in the first boss fight!

So different to how dungeons and healing were in actual Pandaria; challenging, fun and relevant, with strategies and communication needed.


My experience so far that people who go wild doing stuff gets the dungeon done asap and im not complaining and those with “cant be kicked out for x minutes” usually just sit idly at the entrance regardless.

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Posting about ‘cancerous’ (a term I hate having applied in this context) people because they are doing these instances fast is going to result in nothing but people telling you its how the Remix is meant to be played. I can’t be bothered anymore monitoring other people’s behaviour in this event because they will do (a) what they are allowed to do and (b) what they want to do for whatever reasons they have. Whether its going like a rocket spraying enormous amounts of aoe or sitting at the entrance waiting to be fed, its their playstyle. You can’t change it by saying they should change it.

So my suggestion is, do what you need to do to get the stuff you want and try not to let other people’s choices ruin it for you.

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Oh, grow up. People will be mean; it’s your choice to either take it to heart or be the bigger person and report them and ignore them.

I mean… on the one hand I get it: getting left behind doesn’t feel good.

On the other hand, you still get all the rewards even if you aren’t in the boss room when they eat it.

You can type an entire essay if you want, at the end of the day it doesn’t change that group content should be completed as a group. If you feel that it should, go solo stuff. Don’t join a group and then run off and do your own thing. It is GROUP content. lawl

Yep. Me and the rest of the people agreeing with me and liking this post making you the minority on this, are the common denominators XD

Make your own group if you need progression runs :slight_smile:
“Stop enjoying the game however you want, play it as I prescribe you to”


Retail, yeah. Remix is for the bronze, goodies, and leveling.

So the group finder is just your personal tool then huh? Not for people to find GROUPS? LMAO!

Its everyones personal tool.

It’s a matchmaking system. You get what you get. Expecting everyone to be on the same page without communicating your wants is insanity. Make your own groups, or keep up.


You are in the minority. Firmly.

yeah I don’t understand that logic either. We’re apparently the minority for enjoying clearing content quickly, but we’re such a small minority that it’s a HUGE problem for a few.

Keep in mind your conversing with someone who uses terms like cancerous to describe players. These people all argue the same thing, they’ll likely create a thread about gatekeepers and elitists next.


imagine being incredibly op and taking it slow

Yep, cancerous “it’s all about what I want” nonsense again. You are just making my point. It’s GROUP content, not I do what I want content. Whatever, I don’t know you and thank god I’ll never play with you. You are a class A selfish jerk that wants to try to twist it to and call me the selfish one because I want GROUP CONTENT TO BE DONE AS A GROUP. But it’s okay, you can keep ignoring that and the fact that some classes are much faster than others or that peeople with gear and speed are faster than newer players. Stay ignorant dudes. Peace.

Imagine doing group content as a group.