Remix has brought out the worst in people

Simple. Pile all the traps at the front door and have them trigger upon zone in.

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That wouldn’t accomplish anything. A lvl 10 is more powerful than a fresh 70.

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What part of TimeRUNNING and OVERPOWERED do you not understand?


What part of team-based content should be completed as a team do you not understand?

That’s all PVE now. PVP is the only normal place. Because hoing alone gets you killed.

You should form your own group with the understanding that people will wait for each other. Make it clear in chat what your goals and intensions are.

You could also get your gear to the point it feels OP so you can go at the speeds everyone else is going at?

Personally I like the fast speed and am not sure how it is “stressful”. Hit your movement abilities and W key and you should be fine.

It is designed to appeal to that sort of player. It should be no surprise that type of player is disproportionately participating in that content.

Why should anyone bother waiting for someone to drag their feet? Are you doing progression runs in timerunner? Why do you need to go slow?

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I actually see it similarly. Most players in Remix are extremely overpowered and expect to run through the dungeons without stopping. But when a tank shows up who wants to take on every small group of enemies individually… eh… well, I think you can understand why no one wants to deal with that.

This was bugging me at first as well. But now I’m just rolling with it. I’ve leveled like nine timerunners now, so I’ve experienced the content properly. Now I’m just happy to chill. Everything gets mailed to you anyway, so just skip looting and run, run, run!

It’s about not going so fast you leave everyone out. Some classes are flat out faster than others. Stop being a douche.

People who use these words seems to always be the ones who are surrounded by those types of players.

OP, you are the common denominator.


I severely doubt there is a single class that would not be able to keep up in a dungeon run.

Nice, the “no, u” argument.

Clearly other people are agreeing with me. Otherwise this post wouldn’t be getting likes or comments with people agreeing. There are less of you against what I’ve said than there are likes on this post. You’re part of the minority on this one buddy.

That’s because you’re preaching against players who play with other people and have friends who play the game, which is something that the forum also narrates. The forum represents a fraction of the player base, don’t put yourself on a pedestal.


Other people have already commented that DHs alone can do that. Add in some classes that have good movement buffs along with the cogwheel gems, and yes, it is entirely possible to do it and leave slower classes and lesser geared people behind.

The next step, denial. It’s okay buddy, I’ll let the facts speak for themselves. You can make up whatever you want to, but the facts remain the same.

It used to irritate me when one player would race in front of others and essentially solo everything.

But then I realized I get credit for everything whether I hit the boss or not. So now I don’t care. :slight_smile:

At that point, why am I playing the game though? If I’m not doing anything but running through behind people looting, why am I playing? It’s completely pointless.

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To collect bronze and be over powered… or collect bronze and collect transmogs.

Or if you are me, leveling up different classes for giggles.

Fact is some people live for the power fantasy and will devote everything to being overpowered, even if it all goes away at the end of the event. It is just a reality of this game mode.

Remix has brought out the worst in people

Remix has encouraged people to be who they are.

fixed that