Remix has brought out the worst in people

Go to the dungeon and do it yourself then.

It’s not stress. It’s wanting to play. To hit those buttons and actually do something. Otherwise, you might as well be watching twitch or someone’s vod of them playing.

It really should be 10-69 and then 70 carved out into it’s own groups. Or even ilvl. 0- 400 and 400+ when putting groups together.

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If you wanna slog through the game be my guest however in remix pandaria it’s not gonna work out to well. This mode is only around for a few months and people want to get the rewards, not stop at every mob and smell the roses.

They can solo it. Who cares? Remix is just for fun and goofy OP goodness. I play a tank in remix and not even one time have I gotten mad about dps clearing a whole dungeon ahead of me lmao.

Chill out buddy

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In all versions of WoW I’ve played recently which is all of them, the tanks don’t wait for the group to be present before they pull anymore.

People are just YOLOing now. They’re gonna find themselves YOLO’d out of a healer since no healer wants to play the game like this.

This. The only time ive ever been kinda upset is another player having movespeed so far ahead of the group you miss an elevator or something and miss out on loot - the fact they killed it isnt the issue, its missing out on the loot.

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This game mode doesnt even require a healer, ever. Healers exists in raids to mass rez anyone that died. Healers existence in a raid is purely to run gems that deal damage from their heealing. Healers exist in qued content becausee the game states that a 5 man party needs 1 tank. 1 healer and 3 dps - how many scenarios have you donee without a healer tho?

I, for one, am not gonna complain that the fully geared players are sprinting through the dungeons. They’re doing my work for free and I get free bronze. Why would I complain? I ran through the scenarios, dungeons and raids slow and steady while leveling. There’s no point in doing that now.

Why do you try to kick everyone??? You are the problem 100%

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Great to see other players who were bashing the PVP in plunderstorm to see that PVE players are equally, if not more so, toxic.

When I see high raid/mythic+ key clears, I already know they’re going to be toxic if you miss a beat.


I think remix is a joke game mode with no challenge. Youre just :clown_face: yourself if you think anything in remix is fun or engaging…apart from maybe redoing the story.

Really? Did you think this game mode, with wildly OP skill and gem combos would foster a return to the days of sheep, sap, trap, kill skull per pull?

Granted, I’m only 65 and only in it for the mogs, but every dungeon and raid I’ve done so far has seen maybe like… 1 death in total lol? If anything, the scenarios have proven actually more difficult given that they have specific mechanics that, if not followed, make the encounter harder. Like that sniper rifle one – been in a few where people didn’t use it at all, and it took so long to kill the mobs.


Wrong, The game has ALWAYS been filled with toxic players who only care about themselves, Remix has nothing to do with it.

I demand a Shadowlands Snail mix. We’re gonna be in jail for 3 days of game time per toon. Have arguments with the jailer.

He’s gonna escape through your cell because of a threat on his life. Ask you to help stop the mortal invasion of the death realms. You must destroy all the titan portals and go on a long walking journey to Argus and convince them to be evil.

Write a 17 page essay that’ll be graded by PelagosGPT that outlines your path to Zerith Mortis. How to dominate brokers and Bastion.

Your gear will consist of being shirtless. You will play 4 dimensional chess with the Primus in Tuesdays. You must smell the roses in Ardenweald. Play hide and seek with the desiccated ghouls.

Your resource will be Stagnation. Or Stagna. We must stagnate the flow of anima. You do that by sitting around important locations of the Shadowlands reading books, petting undead squirrels and testing each other on the lore of Azeroth

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


So Torghast level 78?


Good point. Torghast is now a build your tower defense defense.

You must layer all the traps, mobs, paths, lights to level 76. And you get to be the final boss. I expect you to slow the mortals advance by 23%

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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It’s almost like this is a limited time event and dilly dallying isn’t recommended…

Odd, because I’ve had the best interactions with other players in Remix in, well, forever.

The last time I remember people being so helpful and free with group and raid invites was probably during Lich.


people have been asking to link achieves for a very long time. they’re making sure you won’t be a dead weight.
How is it toxic? people like you find anything offensive if there is any form of requirements.

I know you want to blame the speed runners, but it’s actually bugged.

Everytime I get that dungeon, it only counts 2 of the bosses towards the quest. I have no idea why. And no, it isn’t because somebody is getting ahead of me and killing the boss before I get there.

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