Remix has brought out the worst in people

For me its a gavel that really goes with one of my sets. Almost have everything on my dh just missing 2 lfr ones.

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The frog farm at the beginning ruined that. A large group of people got extremely overpowered and now only want to run with other OP players. It’s like that in retail as well, but the frog farm gap in the players that did it compared to the players that didn’t is extreme in remix.

Luckily it seems like people are finally catching up ilevel-wise and it’s becoming less of a problem, but it was extra bad for a bit there.

Classes have absolutely nothing to do with this. I’m at a point on my Remix main where I can press Shadow Word: Pain, and ~3 million hp rare mobs will be dead in like 2 seconds if a couple of my tinkers proc. As a holy priest.


Cool, you’re still move speed capped. A demon hunter can turn on immolation aura and one shot half the room while moving at move speed cap plus a percentage of their mastery plus their mastery

I don’t actually play anything but vengeance, apologies if the mastery talent and mastery stacking isn’t how it works

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Forums have the most cancerous players.
Look at this dude here: Give Death Knights the access to Frostmourne appearance - #95 by Mungadai-area-52


Awww you mentioned me! I’m living rent free in your head! It’s a little barren in there…


I think it is more of a when in Rome problem. I would just grab a few speed gems and one of the speed enhancing cog gems and go with it.

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You’re the one that spent 40 minutes inspecting my character to write an essay, if that isn’t one of the most obnoxious and toxic behaviors that can exist in this game I don’t know what is.


It took 3 seconds. It’s publicly available. I like that you let me take up residence in your brain tho.


I ran into something like this a couple of times today. In the Mogu’shan Palace Dungeon there is an elevator that leads to the last boss. Some classes or perhaps just players have a massive speed advantage. They rush to the elevator and go up while myself and 2 others in my group arrived just after the elevator had gone up.

As we arrived at the top of the elevator we received the dungeon complete text. We arrived at the boss an were unable to get the quest complete due to not being there when the boss died. This happened to me twice today. It sucks but there isn’t anything that can be done about it.

People use the Queue to get faster dungeons for whatever it is they are doing, sometimes they are cool and pretty chill, other times they pull every mob to the end boss, kill him and then leave a mass of enemy npcs moving back to their spawn spots and you get murdered on their way.


The frog farmers had the capes nerfed over a week ago. Anybody that has a ton of stats has just played the game more than you.


I said it’s getting better but it WAS really bad.

There’s been several topics on this issue in the remix forum. Yes, the game maoe is meant to get you to experience being “OP” etc. But none of that obviates the basic social contract of not being a douchebag to your fellow players by locking them out of content such as boss fights.

For some reason there’s a certain subset of the playerbase in remix who equate “being OP” with being inconsiderate of at least some small portion of their raid group. It’s pretty sad actually.

Point of fact, I am currently one of these “OP” people in remix with a monk that has about 7mill HP in ww spec and a cloak with a lot of stats etc. I can one-shot rares, solo normal and probably heroic raid bosses without issue. However unlike some other members of the playerbase, I actually will allow my fellow players to participate and play the game too. A shocking concept. So much so that when I waited at one of the bosses in SoO for the rest of my LFR raid to catch up, I got thanked by not 1 but 2 people for it. Everybody else was happy to wait for the others too. Although the dps meter made if very obvious who was actually the one carrying the entire raid (me).

As I mentioned in the remix forum, how much time is really being saved here by locking out the rest of your raid and soloing a raid boss? A few minutes across an entire raid? It’s not like your dps is going to magically go down when you do eventually engage the boss.

A sad state of affairs really.


You could not have said it any better. It makes the game completely unfun for those that can’t keep up yet, when they don’t consider anything but showing off or their own time. Thank you for stating this in a way that is easy to understand.

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Unfortunately it just seems to boil down to a case of: “because I can do a thing doesn’t necessarily mean I should do a thing”. That and the false equivalency of being OP = being a dbag. I’m not sure who made that rule but it wasn’t me.

That and the fact that DH’s mastery is wildy OP. As in OP for a game mode about being OP. Which means they’re OP squared. Blizz permanently debuffed fury warrior strength due to the wild scaling that was happening. They were not just becoming OP, but ridiculously OP. So blizz nerfed them. I see no reason why DH’s should be treated any differently to them considering their impact on the rest of the playerbase.

I mean, where does it end? Imagine I enter a zone and by sheer force of passives, my presence nukes all mobs within a 100-200 yard radius, maybe a 500 yard radius. Make me a nuclear bomb wherever I go. Ok. So what you were trying to quest? This is a game mode about being OP. I’m OP. So deal with it. That’s the argument being made by some people and it’s sheer insanity.

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also a direct product of m+ timed dungeon playstyle of go go go

just wait til someone at blizzard gets the idea that raids should be like that too lmao…

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I don’t try to keep up. I follow along looting corpses as I go. I just don’t understand the whole getting stressed out over a video game thing.

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You’re part of the team. You’re just on the clean up crew.

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join any of the well known gdkp raid groups on era & you’ll see what true cancerous players are like

Thats every player - you cannot be kicked for the first 2 mins of joining a dungeon.