Remix has brought out the worst in people

There were always cancerous players, don’t get me wrong, but remix has made people even more impatient and arrogant than ever before. Far too often now do the DPS just take off through the raid/instance with no care for the other players. It seems like a large portion of the players you queue with have the message “(name) can’t be kicked again for (number of) minutes.”

I play wow to have fun, not get stressed out. It seems like remix has had the opposite effect. Too many people trying to maximize their bronze an hour for anyone to slow down a little and enjoy themselves. Just needed to vent a little. It’s getting very frustrating.


I mean, it’s supposed to be a wild “get overpowered and sprint through” mode.

I’m not sure what you were expecting. If you want to do the dungeons as they were designed, wait for Pandaria Timewalking to roll around in regular retail (or, more realistically, wait for MoP Classic).

Nothing about Remix was ever advertised as a “take it slow and smell the roses” experience.


I want other group members to go at the same pace as the tanks. Not to fly through making my existence useless.


Sounds like the tank needs to move faster then.


Even if it is supposed to be fast paced, my point still stands. It has brought out the worst in people. You’re defending it with “move faster” when that’s not even possible with how fast some people are with their speed stats and movement buffs. Your attitude about it is the cancerous behavior I was speaking of…


I’m not having problems with anyone. They go fast, press W. They go slow, press your damage buttons.


I don’t see how speedrunning an instance in a speedrunning mode is “the worst in people”.

Sounds like remix just isn’t for you, sorry.


Well, I am having problems with people, and it’s getting worse as remix goes on. I’m glad you haven’t experienced it yet. You must be blessed by god himself to be so lucky.

Well, I think it helps to have no expectations. You enter the queue and you’re going to get anyone from a level 20 on a free account that can blast the dungeon in literally 2 minutes, to a level 69 without any upgraded leveling gear and it’s a slog.

That’s the game mode. It’s not perfect and never was going to be.


wow…i’ve never seem so many people gang up on a person like a bunch of angry lunchroom bullies.

OP; I would say Remix is certainly highlightiing disparities between classes and I agree with you even though I tend to speed run my self.


But going slow makes us not enjoy ourselves. I just want all the cosmetics so I can quit logging into it. And sooner the better lol

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I mean two people have disagreed with the OP but if you want to be extremely dramatic, sure.


this ain’t new lol prolly been like this since wrath tbh

Team based stuff like raids and instances should be completed as a team. Even in remix that is the case. Downplay what I’m saying all you want and belittle my point all you want, it doesn’t change it.

My last point applies here too. Glad you haven’t had any problems. Peace.


Yeah there’s a weird power rubber band thing that happens when you level. I can more or less sleep walk my way through anything on a level 20 but I really wouldn’t recommend doing dungeons (especially as a tank) in the 60-69 range


Its the wacky fun time over powered mode… it also has a lot of grindy event exclusive items to get. I really dig some of the recolors and have stated targeting specific ones.


i feel like i’ve already bougght what i want …now i just see it as a more fun way to level an alt. I only had one alt I’d not created in the 20 years of Wow I’ve played (blood DK). Now i finally have a maxed toon of everything.

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Originally I was going to push to buy everything but that changed into buying remix exclusive events… then I learned certain modes and zones have event exclusive weapon mogs so thats my new thing.

Remix is super toxic… i do remix just to do raids and farm but no you need to “link achivement” to join most groups. Im like nah f that im outta here i dont need this

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I’m currently doing the same. I really want the new Pride’s Gaze staff recolor. Got 3 variants, but not the new remix exclusive yet lmao.