Remember when there used to be guild fights outside raid instances/summon stones?

So you’re saying when given the option people don’t pick the option you think is inherently superior and you still think that’s the option people want? More options are better than less options.



This thread has nothing to do with BM hunters!

And no, I can’t say I miss being ganked at a raid instance when I’m trying to get to my raid/dungeon run.

Faction imbalance killed world PvP long before war mode was introduced. There was de facto zone control because the servers would just get more and more imbalanced until one faction easily controlled everything. Whole raiding guilds used to pay to get off imbalanced servers so they didn’t waste raid night fighting over the portal.

Even if Blizzard rolled out PvP servers again, they’d just end up imbalanced. While group world PvP can be really fun, it turns out most players don’t enjoy the constant friction of random ganking, dead flight masters and quest NPCs, and constant fighting over resource nodes.


PvP vs PvE Server was an option.

War Mode On vs War Mode Off isn’t an option, that’s just you always taking the road of least resistance. PvP servers work because sometimes you get the upside and sometimes you get the downside. If you always negate the downside, and other people negate the downside… world PvP encounters don’t happen at all.

If you are for options, you are for PvP and PvE servers existing. It is a paradox to hate PvP servers and also believe you’re entitled to Master Looter.

Sometimes you get ganked, sometimes you get to gank. It made the world feel more alive. I guess if you’re one of the people mentioned that only rolled PvP to apply to a PvE guild who was on a PvP server… but yuck, don’t be one of those people.

If they didn’t, PvP Servers wouldn’t have been so massively popular in the first place.

War Mode was Blizzard pandering to transfer-Andys who moved to PvP servers of that World First Guilds were on and then whined it was too tough for them. It’s gross.

I remember waiting outside of the Scarlet Monastery for a raid when someone in our guild (possibly a troll priest) tossed a snowball at an alliance player. It was returned and over the course of the next half hour the world turned white as there were so many snowballs flying. It was glorious. No one died, no one was taunted or tea bagged, just lots of laughter and snowballs.

One of the best open world things we ever did. This was back on Aerie Peak before we transferred to Sentinels as AP was getting too crowded.

Literally every PvP server migrated to 1 faction dominated. There no PvP anymore because the other faction stopped existing.

It happened in retail.

It happened in classic.

It will happen over and over.


By 2007 the majority of new servers were PvE.

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And that was recreated on classic PvP servers, and it was quickly followed by players fleeing to servers that were overwhelmingly of their faction.


I remember the first time I died at Blackrock Mountain. It was a sight to see all those ghosts running back, I never fully realized just how busy that place was. (pvp server)

When Naxx came to town in Wrath that was a busy entrance too. hahaha

The issue was that they made certain specs Godmode in world PvP like rogues and then players who play squishy specs like BM hunters simply had no chance. A rogue could take out an entire raid group by stealth and pooling burst CDs