Remember to my kings who tank

Pet management certainly is hard.

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My pet is around 400-550 DPS.

He must live.

So yea controlling him is definitely harder than any other class, I know hunters get a bad rep as being easy but they are prolly the hardest class to raid on.

Oh I dunno about that…feral rotation would like a word…

Feral doesn’t need to rely on healers healing their pets and have to micro management doing mechanics for yourself and a pet that is a lot of your dps.

Rotation isn’t why hunter is hardest class on the game. Actually tbc rotations for all classes are a joke.

Healing pets sounds like it would be deferred to the difficulty of the healing classes, not neccessarily the hunter.

For example in our guild we task our healers with healing pets. There’s a way in most UIs (even default) to show pets so it’s not like anyone has an excuse.

It’s not so much of spike healing them it’s more of me not letting them get 1 shot or sitting in mechanics.

I find enh enjoyable enough. Twisting makes totems something I have to think about, same with weapon sync (at least til we kill kael).

I remember slam weaving arms being comparatively complex to other rotations in original TBC too.

I think what makes hunter hardest is how bad the pet AI is.

Yeah, I remember from playing classic hunter.

Nah, tanks are the leaders, DPS are the pawns and very easily replaceable. You serve me, you wait for me to make the party, you listen to my commands, you have no say in this party.

Tanks exist because not all mobs can be kited and someone has to take the hits.

Healers exist because everyone would be dead otherwise.

DPS exist because bosses would never die and dungeons would take 2+ hours to clear.

All the roles are important. People just don’t want to play tank generally because DPS roles tend to be more active. Tanks are usually expected to mark, pull, and position mobs, and while these are useful skills they don’t tend to be as “fun” as melting HP bars.

But at the end of the day all roles are important and players within them that have skill are highly valued in any of my parties. Putting tanks on pedestals or belittling DPS are both silly and no role is superior to any other.


Lol. A well played Feral or Resto druid will dump on a Hunter in terms of skill and in general ability.

Hunters have a 1 button macro.

Thankless? who thanks people for doing their role? I’ve never thanked a tank, healer or another DPS, I’ve said thanks for coming but that’s as close as it gets.

I thought that Blizzard broke that macro or am i wrong on that?

You’re right they did he’s just misinformed and he read somewhere that we have a one button macro.

Let me clarify the missinformation you seem to believe.

Current 1 button macro is no where near what it was back then, the old macro wouldn’t clip auto shots, blizzard broke that and the current macro we have if you simply just spam it will clip auto shots.

Let’s talk about our actual rotation, higher skill hunters won’t clip auto shots, that means we will typically follow a 1:1 rotation or a 2:1 rotation.

Typically with a swing timer we have to adjust for our attack speed on the fly, meaning that with lust or haste potion or rapid fire or we proc’d quick shots all of those things adjust our rotation on fly and we now have to completely change the way we do our rotation to not clip any auto shots.

We also don’t just spam steady, we also use multi shot and arcane shot on CD because both of those are dps increases over steady even on single target.

Rotations aren’t why the hunter is hard, even tho it prolly has a much in depth and higher skill ceiling than all other specs.

What makes hunter harder is the pet, the pet is around 500 dps and I have to do mechanics for him and for myself, all other classes just worry about them.

So while you’re just doing mechanics for yourself I’m doing mechanics for essentialy 2 players.

Let’s also be real here pet AI is trash.

So yes in terms of actual difficulty hunter is the hardest class bar none.

Seal twisting ret and slam arms rotations would make you feel silly for saying that. Although I agree that hunter is no as easy as most people think.

I’m not saying they are hard because of the rotation even tho I do believe adding in having to time auto shots correctly adds a new level of difficulty.

I’m saying they are the hardest simply because of the pet management.

A rotation, and pet management are simply muscle memory after XX number of hours.

This you?

Most alphas are tanks. Tanks are usually your leaders in the raid/party.

Dps “alphas” are usually betas with little man syndrome that turn everything into a d measuring contest.

Healing is for the passive aggressive intellectuals who silently screw with the beta little man dps and make sure they die just to ruin their 99 parse, thereby depriving their life of any meaning while T- bagging their corpse for the Luls. AKA - the real heroes of WoW.

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