Relentless Duskwood Ganking SOON!

I would have to see the screenshot for me to believe that you killed Ccon. js

I don’t really screen shot my kills in wpvp. But if I had one I would gladly share it.
Yours truly,

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I’m only surprised because you beat his Port out.

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The problem with this is that you are consistantly using an item to teleport you to Voldun, while in combat, just before you die. This is considered an exploitand i’m fairly certain its bannable.

Absolutely not…

Well either a GM finally spoke to him, or he actually decided to not run away, here’s a kill of Cconrogue

No GM will ever speak to a player about that. Most likely he got a bit ballsy and accidentally died. :man_shrugging:


Why would that be an exploit? You might say it’s pathetic to gloat about ganking lowbies while also doing all you can to avoid a fair fight, but it’s not an exploit in any way; World PvP has no rewards tied to it, other than the bragging rights.


Killed you several times last week on two alts; you are predictable via getting leech off of the NPC’s in town; doing so was the only reason why you managed to stay up for ~15 seconds after popping stealth. Still. You went down. More than a few times.

Oh, and the exiting the game when you see your toon’s death is nigh is especially cowardly.

Can’t respect ya.



They logged before you could finish them off? Now that’s some prime cowardly crap right there.

I can respect someone that wants to gank hard like they said they did, but once you log when you’re opposed by someone else that all goes straight out the window lol.


Sorry but at 36 you are a millenial generally considered to start at 1981 and end in 1996. There are also a small group called xenials which is '77 to '85.

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NOOOOOOOOO!!! THAT’S NOT POSSIBLE!!! /heroic leaps into huge hole.


77 here and I’m gen x, whatever the heck xennial is just sounds gross

Haha xenial is kids that had an analog childhood and digital adulthood, something like that.

Sorry sir, but you are a millennial.

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What’s that? I can’t hear you lalalalalalalala


Is there a reason why you swapped from pally to warrior?

so cringe these faction pride posts

Nope now go away

ur cringe bro