Relatively neutral != -5%

Pretty straightforward unless I was gaslit my whole life. In the recent tuning post, they claim the intention is a relatively neutral ST dps change, but are pushing a 5% nerf live? Why? The community and apl writers can provide the values required for a net 0 ST change. Is it really this challenging for the blizzard team?


Seems you just can’t do basic math.

BC, a buff to pet damage, was reduced to 2/4% from 5/10%. But, pet damage was also increased by 8%. If you had 1/2 in BC your pet damage is now 5% stronger today. If you were 2/2 then it’s 2% weaker. That is basically neutral, as they said.

That’s fair but I’m just glad they made some additional adjustments so shortly before those garbage changes went live. That’s much more than I thought we were getting.

I think I can work with this until the actual changes go live in November. Better than what we were getting as of 18 hours ago at least…

They need to figure our class out and then leave it alone though. I don’t want to be on this roller coaster the entire expansion this is the exact reason I got bored of playing Rogue.

Just fix Pack leader and then leave us the F alone if we are gonna have mediocre AE (even after these changes) then you can let us have single target.

I’m sure you’re better at math than the people who write guides.

It’s a 5% ST nerf.


Yeah everyone knows that only phd mathematicians are hired to write guides. They never hire those high school dropout streamers to write them.

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Lucky for you, you will most likely not be affected by this nerf with the content you do! :slight_smile:

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Yeah some random person is going to have an answer backed by sim data. I wait op doesn’t have any evidence back thing that up compared to the people saying it’s a nerf with actual sim data backing it up.

You forget Basilisk collar is 10% per DoT on the target, not flat 10% total and we can have 4-5 DoTs rolling at once in ST

Going off 3 DoTs, being Murder of Crows, Laceration, and Barbed since we can keep at 100% uptime it’s 30% pet damage before nerf to 12% pet damage. Adding the 8% buff it’s still 10% less.

When you add into the multiplier the lower uptime’s like Serpent Sting in execute phase/BA procs the difference is even more. That’s how people are getting a nerf overall


The real problem is that people can’t live with the launch itineration being 5% stronger. For my correct take, +5% is also relatively neutral. They’re not leaving us stronger and better in favor of “neutrality”.

I think we’re OWED at least more on the table for the prelaunch turbonerfs.

have you ever clicked on the changelog of one of those sims?

You mean like when they get changed based on patch notes?

You’re really desperate to look like you have an idea what you’re talking about.

sooo no you havent.
the numbers are wrong literally every single patch on 10 or more talents.
I would never put blind faith in a sim or guide, but if that’s the kind of person you are that’s fine.

That’s why you hide your main. You clearly don’t have any credibility or clue what you’re talking about. Hence why you’re taking shots at people that do.

Credibility? I havent made any claims. I didn’t say it was or wasnt a nerf or a buff who are you even thinking you’re talking to? Why are you even responding to me in the first place?

What on earth man, you have attacked me every reply and I havent said anything offensive. You’re on another level.

You tried to invalidate the statements

Clearly you.

You responded to me first.

Stating factual observations isn’t an attack.