Relating to connection issues BFA/Classic 9/07/19 (DDOS)

While this may seem a bit petty.

but why do all the realm status pages show as “up” - when they are obviously not.?

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I have d/l’d and paid for it within 3 days of gameplay. I woke up this morning and tried to login and it kicked me out. I do not know why. I have the error number from the disconnected from the server (message on the first wow screen). Please help me get this fixed TODAY. Thanks a lot!

Blizzard gets more than $45,000,000 per month in user fees from the more than 3 million active accounts… That’s over half a billion dollars each year…

There is seriously no reason with that much money coming in that they can’t afford better servers and better talent to write programing to prevent these types of crashes and issues.


and it is all WASTED!! we can not even play !! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I mean, I don’t think it’s all spent on infrastructure.

nothing you can do you could make 45 trillion a day and still not stop ddoss

They’re being DDOS’d so I would cut them some slack.

Life happens. 100% uptime is never going to happen, even for the biggest companies. Let’s not rage.


but what about wow? :sob:

Its a DDoS attack.

Do you have a solution for that?

come on we want to play wow, we NEED to play wow. instead of locking topics plz get better security and let us back on wow.:rage::sob:

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go out side kid

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hope you get banned.

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troll alert :roll_eyes:

There aren’t any real good ways to protect against DDOS

well ain’t this some $hit

Issue resolved - tahnks bliz

I keep getting this code whenever i log on and it disconnects me. If anyone knows how to fix it please let me know because i cant play and its very aggravating. Thanks

Go through that.

Yeah - I am getting this too all of a sudden.

I also saw a login queue upon logging in to BfA.

Getting disconnects when trying to get into the game or when trying to change servers while on the character screen.