you can’t just apply this theory to enhance and say it’s either possible or a good idea. Particularly because this person’s suggestion was debunked in the second reply. The way enhance currently plays is designed around dual wielding. It’s not that simple to rework the mechanics of the spec to allow both dual wield and 2h to be balanced equally. If balance were easy, we’d have actual options in our talents instead of a single cookie cutter build. But the point everyone who asks for 2h enhance seems to be missing is that this will not, in and of itself, do a single blessed thing to improve enhancement gameplay. also this post was about the potential to re-imagine what totems are, and I don’t know how this devolved into another pointless discussion of 2H enhance.
I just said that getting 2h is possible. I never said it as a good Idea or that it would make enhancement shamans. Yes I know this post is about totems. I do agree that the old totem system is bad and it needs to be changed. Personally I find having a totem that you place on the ground so it can do its job but only has 5 health and can be destroyed a bad design.
Blizzard can and should come up with a better totem design.