Currently 8/8 Heroic
Raid Times:
Wednesday & Friday from 10am MDT(12pm EST) - to hard stop 1pm MDT (3pm EST) with Monday as a backup / alt raid day.
Looking for a mid day raiding guild and noticing it’s not really a thing? Well Look No further!
Reign is a semi-hardcore mid day heroic raiding guild. Shooting for AOTC clears. We are a small group of experienced players Looking to increase our ranks!
Guild Type:
21+ Heroic Raiding and Looking for Strong Mythic plus key pushers!
Recruitment needs
- Boom Druid: High
- Ret Pally: High
- Disc / Holy Priest: High
- Warrior: DPS High
- Shaman DPS: High
Please feel free to reach out to myself if you have any questions.
B-net: Sixdays#11277
Discord: Mearpond
Here for the weekend bump
have a great weekend guys!
LF a hpally and or holy/disc priest. A tank (prefer DH or DK) hit me up 
End of weekend bump. Hope to talk to some more players this week.
Bump for grammatical errors fixed lol 
Updated recruitment needs
Very active daytime guild.
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Updated recruitment needs
Very fun raid team! I highly recommend them!
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Fun and coordinated guild! Help us get aotc! 
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We are 5/8 Heroic now! 
LFM morning / early afternoon raiders!
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Thank you sir updated our recruitment needs
7/8 Heroic now! We will be working on AOTC now!
Great group! I highly recommend people join if you are looking for daytime raiding! 
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I have a 615 Blood and 605 Affic Warlock.
Can raid anyday during the week.
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Az here, I am currently interested to join a raiding guild for morning time.
Quite experienced on the current raid. Pending only the last boss kill at the moment.
I had progressed rest of the fights with my guild many times now. My char is Lock and he is 617 at the moment. Please give me a shout if you are in need of an additional dps.
Happy to have a chat. Enjoy
ya add me to battle tag Sixdays#11277 and we’ll talk some more
Send inv as Zincarla from battlenet.
Talk to you soon