Regrowth Mouse Over Heal

Hell All,

been trying to get finalized on some mouse over healing and having some issues with my Druid. I’m currently aware / and use addons in the meantime but would ideally rather just have a macro and not rely on another addon.

My issue is with Regrowth. My macro template that has been working (for example rejuv ) is this:

/cast [target=mouseover,help] Rejuvenation; [help] Rejuvenation; Rejuvenation

When i try that for regrowth (below) it doesnt work on mouse over. any thoughts?

/cast [target=mouseover,help] Regrowth; [help] Regrowth; Regrowth

I don’t see anything functionally wrong with your macro.

There are 3 possibilities I can think of.

(1) You forgot to actually drag the macro to your bar. (It may sound obvious, but I once spent far too much time troubleshooting a macro only to realize I still had just the regular spell on my bar.)

(2) You have a keybinding conflict. (This is far more likely to be a problem if your macro includes modifier key conditionals, as keybinds override macro conditionals.) So, with the just macro you listed, it’s probably not your specific issue.

(3) You are trying to assign the macro to a mouse button. Unit frames “eat” mouseclicks for standard functions like targeting, so mouseover macros don’t work over them. (You can quickly see if this is the problem as the macro will work when you mouseover a player’s model in the world.) The only work-arounds are to use a different keybind or to use an addon that can do click-casting. (Such as Clique, or use frames with it build in like Healbot or Vuhdo.)

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What Udiza said. Also, this macro will give you added functionality.

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hmm, macro you sent works but mine didnt (for regrowth)

so goign to use yours for sure, just wish i knew why heh. trouble shooting above didnt seem to make a difference. /shrug