Regarding the level squish and leak

Just wanted to say…what an absolutely abysmal expansion name, so lack lustre…
I don’t even know what to say if it is…

Also, interested to note, the leak says playable by “gilgoblins” which are not a confirmed race.

More “Horde Favouritism” :joy:

Just curious as why N’zoth would ever go “NO! You no attack Tauren!” and interrupt a battle over Thunderbluff.

Also yeah, just saw that. Pretty much just literal paragon points from D3. Oh you can get more movespeed or something I guess lol

Just googled it, and that looks like the most bogus “leak” I’ve ever seen. Conquest points to replace artifact / azerite power? Conquest already exists as a PvP currency, so that ain’t happening. Gilgoblin as an allied race? I highly doubt that. Age of Darkness is almost certainly nothing more than bad fan fiction, nothing more.


The whole point of the level squish isnt to make it substantially faster to level, its just there to reduce the numbers. Im sure it will be somewhat faster to level to max than it is now, but I wouldnt expect to get to 60 after the squish as fast as we get to 60 now.

Level squish…I will believe it when I see it.

That’s…….I’m gonna have to pass on that.

Thanks for making me feel like I need to prepare to be in this mob of yours sharpens the pitchfork

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It is a rather non-standard exclamatory remark.

Because, Reason(s)


Also, can we name t something other than Squish? Like Level ANNIHILATION. or Level SMASH?

That part is essentially already confirmed, a few months back Blizzard sent out surveys to random players that had questions like “Are you aware that the number of levels will be significantly reduced in a future patch?” as well as questions about pricing for level boosts after the level squish.

I did vashjir it was pretty cool

What leak, Blizzard talked about this.

Read the third post of the thread

The “leak” is a joke. They always are.

They just take the latest forum rumors, put them in one post. Call it a “leak”.

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Throw enough ideas at a wall and call it a “leak” and chances are decent that at least one part of your “leak” may come true.

Some Devs have expressed a desire to bring back small bonuses per level instead of the current system where you can often get nothing that impacts your gameplay for 20+ levels in a row.

But the problem with that is that when you’ve got 120 levels (presumably 130 next expac), those small bonuses for each ding add up a lot.

That’s why they’d want to do a level squish, it makes each individual level more rewarding as they can tie bonuses, like talents, new skills, or whatever new stuff they decide to add in each level instead of the current one where they have to spread out the bonuses for leveling extremely thinly.

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Since they are increasing XP and they report based on play time not total subs they will not decrease the amount of time it takes to get from 1-60 in comparison to what it takes to get from 1 -120.

So it is just a bunch of shiny sprinkles over the steaming pile of poo that is wow leveling.

Ah, I gotcha. But while the leveling overall may take the same amount of time, I wonder if it will be less time between talents/skills? In other words if level 20-21 in the squish universe is objectively 1 hour long, but you get a talent at the end of it; compared to 20-25 being one hour long but you DON’T get a talent at the end of it.

If that makes sense, then it would seem the squish still has the benefit of yielding “more” for an hour of playtime: an additional talent.

Obviously the above is napkin math’d to hell, but I’m hoping it captures the concept of what I’m trying to communicate as a possible benefit of “da squish”

The best leak Iv seen is the one for BfA. That was more in depth, though. They had the 4 OG allied race models (with the names) except the models were blacked out. Void elves were unheard of at the time. It was around a month before the blizzcon that BfA was announced.

I’m not believing any leaks until I see something with as much info as that.

Pro tip: The current expansion is always the worst expansion ever. The previous expansion is always better and Wrath is always the best.

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Personally I think the “leak” is BS. I also truly don’t understand people who are For a level squish. We have no reason to think that total exp to max level would be reduced. You would still be putting in the same time for the same reward but now you get less dings and the bar inches across the screen even slower.