Refunding my boost

I honestly thought the pre patch would of been enjoyable
From honor Nerf to now getting 200-300 MS lag
All i wanted to do was just grind out a few GM pieces is that so hard blizzard??


Sooooo are you requesting a refund or just whinging?.

Sorry but if you have already used your boost, they can’t refund it.


I believe under Australian law they would have no choice.


Wrong…when you click the Boost button…there is a message that clearly states no going back after you have used the boost.

There is no way for them to refund it, would require deleting your boosted char etc… to much admin

No, I believe you are wrong. The ACCC would say, in relation to a service:

A service has a major problem when:

  • it has a problem that would have stopped someone from buying it if they’d known about it
  • it has multiple minor problems that, when taken as a whole, would have stopped someone from buying it if they’d known about them
  • it is substantially unfit for its common purpose and can’t easily be fixed within a reasonable time
  • it does not meet the specific purpose you asked for and cannot easily be fixed within a reasonable time
  • it creates an unsafe situation.

I would not have purchased a boost service had I known that my character would need to play on 300ms ping.


From blizzard website:

“ Character Boosts are permanent and will not be reverted once used on your character of choice.

To help you make the right choice, modern World of Warcraft offers a Class Trial feature, which is highlighted during the creation of a new character and during the boost process. There is no Class Trial on Burning Crusade Classic.”


A company CANNOT just override consumer law… lol.

Also that sentence isn’t implying what you think it is


I hate to break it to you but Australian consumer law, when offering a service to AUSTRALIANS, trumps Blizzard’s policy.


in b4 blizzy puts the glizzy to australia and bans the country

I think you need to look at the country and governing state on the agreement. That dictates what laws you must follow

I keep saying it but don’t buy the R12+ purples. They are stupidly overpriced. You can already get a full set of gear much cheaper without those. Anything up to R11 or off BG vendors is really cheap.

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I think you need to understand how the ACCC works

You still need the same amount of BG marks for R10 blues that you need for R13/14 epics.
If I have to farm the marks, I’m farming the honor and getting the epics instead. If the blues had their mark costs in line with their honor costs then I would have bought blues instead.

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The marks aren’t any good without honor to use with them. Farming the cheap gear means you can keep spending the tokens rather than piling them up uselessly because you don’t have enough honor.

they refund it alot !

It’s cool if you can get a refund based on a consumer law. As long as the character is returned to it’s pre-boost status… Should be obvious as to why.

That means you can’t undo the level. It doesn’t mean you can’t get your money back, bud.

can anyone help my arathi basin is LAG :rage:

its big LAGSSS big like this —>>> LAGS!!! not a small lags like this —>>> lags



I hope you’re too young to vote.

If Australian law has a way to forcE a refund. Blizzard may have to pay the refund.

But if they do, they can (and will) lock out the character that was boosted and/or the entire account as awhile if they deem it necessary. (Remember you don’t own your account or your characters. Blizzard does.)

You won’t get to boost a 2nd character either. You used youR one boost. So if you think “I want refund” to boost a different character - sorry.