<Reforged> Alliance | Whitemane | Hardcore

Several of us now on Beta! Hit us up if you are too

Letā€™s win team.

I wouldnā€™t bother with this guild. Guild leader likes to kick with blanket statements, without giving you a chance to right anything or defend yourself.
Blanket statement PM and boom removed. The first sentence of the PM I got didnā€™t even make grammatical sense lmao

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Guild seemed great, had a nice website, good goals, and I applied since it looked like a good guild. I joined there discord and started talking with the people there and they all seemed nice, but then the guild leader came and said there starting interviews and I would go in a sec. I keep talking to guild, enjoying myself. Mid sentence I get a vague message saying that your not what were looking for and get kicked while Iā€™m talking to the guild, with no way to talk to anyone high up in the guild. Terrible Leadership, thought they were good but guess I was wrong


Iā€™m truly sorry you feel that way. Difficult decisions must be made as a guild leader. I need to ensure that applicants fit in with our team socially as well as performance wise. We actually take time to review past logs of performance etc. Secondly, we also take the time to contact applicants previous guilds. Sometimes it takes longer to get to know someone before you determine that they are not the right fit for the team. I do my best to figure that out before inviting anyone into the guild. If you are removed from the guild after being invited it is likely you violated the code of conduct or that there were other serious issues. I have never removed anyone from the guild solely based off disliking them. Sadly, I have had to remove people that I did like because I knew it wasnā€™t in the best interest of our team to keep them on as a member. If that was the case with you then I definitely only wish you the best in your classic experience.

Ultimately, I will always do what is best for the group. We are a progression based PVE guild. We have a very strong community of positive, skilled and committed members and we are still growing.

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Iā€™m just disappointed that no one spoke to me of any issues, as I thought that I gelled pretty well with everyone. I was comfortable and was rather enjoying myself.

Also regarding performance I did ONE thrown-together dungeon run. Itā€™s not possible to gauge my performance from that alone.
Most vanilla guilds had a policy of multiple runs to determine someoneā€™s performance before deciding on viability.

Itā€™s pretty unfair and poor leadership to just suddenly kick someone like that. If I pissed someone off somehow, Iā€™m sorry; but might I also add that itā€™s common decency to inform someone and warn them if theyā€™ve done something wrong.
Plus I was actually IN the guild, on the website and everything. I should have been given a good reason and some sort ofā€¦something. Just anything. Anything other than a blanket statement and insta-kick.


Woops had it set to the wrong toon.

Feel free to hop in the discord and chat with us to see what weā€™re about :sunglasses:

Recruitment is beginning to tighten up a bit! We are looking for more high talent, team-oriented, dedicated individuals to fill out our roster. Check out our website to see class needs and learn more about us. Also please feel free to join the conversation on our Discord.

Stress test was insaneeeee

Beta lvl 18 rogue LFGā€¦PST

Lets do deadmines Aing

Come check us out! Going strong and playing together already. :slight_smile:

Bumper Pool

Still looking for exceptional applicants. Please check the website!

Very Interested.

Close to closing recruitment on several classes.

Still recruiting Mages! pewpew

Exceptional candidates please check the website! Where are all the mages? Our roster is filling out, so please take a look before weā€™ve hit our recruitment goal for pre-launch :stuck_out_tongue:

This guild is gonna be a really good one I can tell. Not my cup of tea personally but they are gonna be a frontrunner on any server they play.

Good luck

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