Reduced melee range

The reduced melee range is dps killing for me, inconsistent hitboxes with tons of mechanics you must sidestep. Please revert this QOL change. Losing the love for my outlaw rogue I have had since wrath over this problem.


how did you play combat before the extra ranged was added in Legion

The issue is the random size of hit box…
If they all had the same range(cirlce basically), it would make the game much smoother.

Some mobs I have to kind be ‘‘in’’ the cirlce…
Some others I can stand 10yards from it and still hit.

Inconsistency on this stops us from building brain muscle the distance we have to set ourselves from the mob.

Not that its a HUGE issue and happens a lot…but there are times where it happens and its annoying to press buttons, thinking wer in range, and nothing happens.