Redeem TCG codes and Vanilla CE on Classic WoW?

If we have unused vanilla wow CE codes or unused TCG codes for TCG items which were around during vanilla wow do we know if we could redeem them on classic wow? Or redeem a murky pet on classic wow.

Not giving items based on retail wow items but rather redeeming unused codes on classic wow.

this is covered in that other thread

though if you had an unused MUrky code , unless they took the NPC out I would imagine you could, though I would much rather get the $$$ from selling it.

Yeah I tried to read that but didn’t seem to find a conclusive answer to redeeming unused codes. I have a murky card and vanilla CE box I acquired.

Or maybe they keep the npc and it doesnt track if the same code was used on retail:P

oh you already spent the money, dang.

I would be shocked if they allowed the code(Murky) to be used twice, but you never know, but the CE code? I would say no way as that is an account flag.

Had the ce and murky card sitting around a while. Was going to sell it. Yeah I am hoping the npc would be around so maybe I can at least get a murky.

oh man sell those 2, could get around 10k for both I would imagine, just hope the Murky code would work still.