Red eyes for Thalassians

Some options that could be cool and would look magical and not human:


That’s a mic drop post right there!


void elves should have tentacles bursting from their eye sockets as an option

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You said red is a product of undeath, not just undead elves.

context clues my dude, we’re talking about elves. The threads title is about elves, OPs post is about elves.

Why stop there? Every orifice has a tentacle escaping from the depths of their emo little soul


Blood magic? Where do we see elves using blood magic with red eyes?

I didn’t know this was a thing. I don’t remember seeing a Void elf with red eyes in lore. Sha skin colors never gave anyone red eyes that I know of?

Red isn’t a byproduct of just Void. It’s Void and Nature twisted together.

Green Eyes When
Green Eyes When
Green Eyes When

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You mentioned red eyes outright, which does make sense since its not only undead elves who have red eyes. Look at Nathanos.

But Wrathion is not undead, and he also has red eyes.

Thanks! I don’t think it matters really anyway since Blizz took up the whole doing stuff out of canon to give people the looks so they can change their characters how they see them thing.

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No where, but we know that when Thalassian Elves use a particular magic for extended periods of time or are surrounded by it for extended periods of time that it will appear in their eye color. Assuming they continue practicing blood magic, it stands to reason that red eyes would eventually show up.

There are none, but again things can evolve as the story isn’t static. People suggest new customization all the time, include things like N’zoth style eyes. Your Void + Nature example is only somewhat true in the case of the Emerald Nightmare. However, if you look, there is a Sha that has red eyes. If it’s acceptable for Void Elves to request N’zoth/Azshara style eyes, by default it’s acceptable to request Sha style eyes.

Red is not just found on that particular Sha either, it’s was one of the side effects if you had a large amount of corruption without the proper resistance levels during BfA.

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please read the title of the thread, and then read OPs post.

We haven’t ever seen AN ELF with read eyes that isn’t undead.

There is of course azshara as an exception, but she’s been changed and mutated so much it’s hard to call her an elf anymore.

Now with this argument made, red eyes for elf deathknights when?

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You mean the other undead?

He’s a special snowflake dragon model.

All of this just sounds to me like making up excuses or stretching lore. But I guess no one cares anymore, so it’s whatever. I’ll leave y’all to your thread. Enjoy.

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We do actually in Nazmir.

So logically someone could RP as a Belf that took on blood magic. And San’layn apparently aren’t completely dead either. And were Horde allied.

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Jesus would want Void Elves to have Green Eyes, stop shaming our heritage.

Making up excuses for what, exactly? I brought up Wrathion as a point that red eyes aren’t unique to undeath. Gul’dan had red eyes too!

Dude, that’s Moses, not Jesus.

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I got to here when I stopped reading. Stop trying to take more Belf stuff.

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Then you missed out! (Also we are blood elves).