Red Eyed Elves

Here I go with my Paladin goodness

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Everyone likes a girl that’s a bit on the pale side.

Blizzard, plz let us use the red eyes with other skin colors - and the undead skin with other eye colors. Whyyyyyyyyy would you restrict this? xD

Everyone in this thread looks amazing, btw. :slight_smile:

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Hello. Not sure if I like it yet :star_struck:

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Here’s my mage coordinating with her mog

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Doh, my avatar is not updating.

I waited years for this!

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You are NEKKID!!!


Omg my armory. Dear god…

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Now this is the kind’ve excitement the forum needs.

I used to think that heterochromia was very cool… and then someone pointed out that it’s an indicator of inbreeding. :slight_smile:

lol, Blizzard what have you done!?


Now THIS is Podracing!


This has happened before, albeit a little more… graphically… They had to pull the armory plug until they fixed it.

:rofl: :joy:

I might say, your chesticles are much more accurate.

I wish they would have not linked the eye color to that one skin tone.


Got my Hunter the way I always wanted him!


I think it has to be a package deal, otherwise it would just be another eye color and skin tone. Thematically this was a good choice.

This is one of my paladins.


Does the undead skin change your voice similar to death knights ?

Nah, I gave it to my warrior and have been charging and swinging and going HEEEEEEEEEYAH at people all morning, and it’s the same voice lines.

Edit: Also, here ya go Lovefool. Here’s my warrior for you.


Bummer. But still cool we got the skins