We’ve always had flashes into the past in this game. Ever since the inception of the Caverns of Time, Warcraft has made a conscious effort to reuse areas that were simply ignored. We’ve seen it time and again. Even zones that got revamped in the Cataclysm still got another remodel like Silithus and the Blasted Lands. Now we are getting Siege and Grim back as M+ dungeons in the rotation.
All throughout Legion, Class Halls took us back to distant and unused spaces like Deadwind Pass, Karazhan, Icecrown, and more. So I have to wonder… we’re come pretty far, explored other worlds, and have encountered just about all we can (at least the obvious stuff), so are we due for a time jump? What if Shaman and Magi from around Azeroth came together over a 10 year span, to heal the zones and restore, yet upgrade those zones?
The time jump would be needed to explain the amount of time it took to fix and change most of the effects from the Cataclysm. But it would also offer some optimal pluses to the game:
Each previously affected zone gets a facelift that removes the elementals and rebuilds those spaces with new Lore and Questing. Tanaris, Fellwood, Hillsbrad, Southshore, Hinterlands. These are just a few zones that could have new life breathed into them with new questing. Let’s clean up some of the mess, and make these zones exciting again, maybe even with a brand new Loremaster and Explorer achievement.
Time can move forward. Gnomeregan can once again be a thriving city and the instance can be pushed down into the belly of the moutain, with a revamp. Gilneas could become a hub for worgen, and offer the Alliance a more Northern foothold near the Silverpine forest. Exodar and Silvermoon can get a refresh, and flying could be finally added to these zones after 18 years. Undercity could move some of its vendors to the surface and add an extra flight path. So many options.
Races who have been intermingling now that the line between the alliance and horde have blurred, could not only learn from one another, but they could now side with those new bonds.
Race/Class Unlocks: These races have been together a LONG time. It makes sense that Gnomes would learn from Dwarves, Humans would learn from Gilneans, Forsaken would learn from the Blood Elves. If a Forsaken can be a Holy Priest, and a Draenei can be a warlock, then surely another Human can learn how to be a Harvest Witch (Druid) and an Orc can learn to be a SunWalker. All of the “Lore” reasons to stop an unlock are feeling a bit trivial at the moment, and perhaps a class switching quest is the solution. Maybe you pick a class, level to 20, and then are given the option to stick with that class… OR… do a lengthy (account wide achievement based achievement) that unlocks that new Class across all new characters as a Race/Class Combo.
The Traitor Questline: At level 20, you see a note fall on the ground before you, and swear you heard footsteps and breathing. The note reads, “I hear you are tired of fighting for (The Alliance/The Horde) and we can help with that. Meet (Mathias Shaw - Alliance/Spymaster Thalodien - Horde) outside of (Stormwind / Orgrimmar) soon. They will await your answer. No hard feelings if you pass.” Then, a 30 quest chain will occur where your Alliance or Horde character will begin to sabotage their current faction, and assist the new one. Once completed, “Turning Over A New Leaflet” achievement unlocks your ability to create a new character of any race and play them on either side.
Thanks to Delves, complete dungeons, that rarely see ANY players can be turned into Delves with Bran, or a recruited follower like Harrison Jones. Sunken Temple, Blackfathom Deeps, Razorfen Downs, and more could all be a single player experience bringing Delves into classic content for new and interesting ways to level and get gear.
Because of the Explorer’s League, other dungeons could be restored to their former glory and bring back the nostalgia of the past, unearthing new treasures and gear. Let’s convert AQ-10 and AQ40 into AQ City via a 3rd portal which would use the left side of one, and right side of the other, push them together, and make a whole new leveling and lore experience. ZA / ZF / ZG could all spring to life as the Zandalari have joined the Horde and now need help clearing out the bad trolls and making room for the new ones, and their LOAs. When entering, you are asked to choose (Show me (dungeon) back then or (I want to help the Zandalari), making both dungeons available but adding entirely new content.
Northrend could get a complete facelift now that Bolvar is handling the Scourge, and we are helping Nerubians from Khaz,Algar retake certain underground homes back from those who seized it so many years ago. The very General we are helping right now in Azj’kahet wants to retake their home, in Northrend and we stand with them to reclaim it. Every zone scales up, gives us new adventures, and is part of the Chromie Time experience. You pick Northrend, and decide if you want to take down the Lich King, or help the Nerubians.
I mean, the list is endless. Not another Cataclysm or sundering. This time, healing across Azeroth to breathe life into outdated content that is due to be recycled. A time jump to bring us out of the old days of war and infighting, just in time for Anduin to sit on the throne and a new power to give rise in the Horde. Maybe Garrosh escapes the Maw, Maybe Thrall’s child is finally old enough to claim their birthright.
So there it is. My random ramblings on a Wednesday while I do pet battles and think about how Blizz could recycle more existing content and make it make sense. Tear it apart or agree with it. I don’t mind either way. I just wanted to talk about the game, and not the servers/M+/Guild Banks/etc. Lemme know what you think