Recruitment messages not in English

I’ve been playing in Eranikus since day 3 and I am an active officer of . The thing is i’ve been spamming my macro every now and then until i got a warning for “language”. Multiple people have reported me for writing my recruit message in Spanish (because my guild is spanish) I have also received many xenophobic whispers and i think racist people are reporting me. I find it unfair because if I want to keep looking for people im going to get suspended! What should i do? :frowning:


Give Reforged the finger and go play a blizzlike server. I’ve heard there’s good ones in Spain.

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Don’t spam.
I get that chat moves quickly but resist the urge to send the message just because it scrolls out of the chat box.
Also don’t respond to the trolling xenophobic whispers.

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He is using spam in a different way…notice he says he spamed it every few minutes…generally when people say this they literally mean they pushed the recruit macro once every few minutes. The problem isn’t his recruit…the problem is blizz gave the power over to a vocal minority of easily triggered profesionally outraged loners who revel in their VERY small scope of power. I have personally seen people i have played with get mutes/bans handed out to others for nothing simply because they were upset/disagree’d with something a person mentioned in chat…or even just for the “lulz”. Blizzard can pretend it doesn’t work like that but it does. It part of why i stopped playing. All it takes is discord and a few people who know how to bend the system to get anyone removed form the game, sometimes permanently.


I rather doubt it based on the actual comment.

Getting a “warning for language” is the terminology used by Blizzard when you’ve been spamming chat being disruptive and not just using questionable or foul language. You don’t get a caution for recruiting in another language. I played retail on Zul’jin and there were tons of messages in français québécois without issue. Using Spanish in chat is not a problem according to Blizzard and you don’t get warned for that.

If others were abusing the in game reporting feature, Blizzard can action them. We don’t know that they may have received a message warning them about false reporting. But if the OP got riled about the hazing in chat or whispers and responded in kind then it may be an inappropriate language issue. Don’t respond to haters. Blizzard doesn’t care who started it. If you play along with that, they consider you to be a willing participant in the behavior and subject to the CoC both parties will be in violation and subject to action.

But you are kind enough to check in on us from time to time.
Bless your heart.

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You don’t understand how the system works…neither did i until i saw it manipulated by people before my very eyes. You can get a warning/ban/suspension/mute for ANYTHING. The mutes are automatic once enough people report, it doesn’t matter for what. Then a GM is “supposed” to review…but often this “review” just happens to take as long as the ban/mute duration thereby making it completely pointless. This effectively allows players to mute/ban each other if enough feel like participating with each other, in discord is where i saw this play out…and it’s more common than you think. People lost enough time to not get R14…miss raids…some even quit because they couldn’t type without being muted since they were targeted over and over.

I do understand.
You are having a meltdown without knowing all the facts.

I’m willing to give the OP the benefit of the doubt that they may have in fact been targeted given the idiocy I’ve seen ostracizing players from the latam servers in retail. But neither of us knows the entire situation. I provided suggestions to try to avoid this in the future: don’t spam and don’t respond at all to taunting.

OP wanted to know what they could do to try to avoid a suspension not speculation about Blizzard’s enforcement or lack thereof. Thanks again for checking in on a forum for a game you claim to no longer play. You’re really doing us a solid.

no problem =)