This 30 skill difference is likely from the regular 405 infusion difficulty not being taken off when changed to a concentrated infusion. This is an issue that has been happening since the patch, and we’ve been talking about it on the prof forums thread linked below. It usually goes away after the first recraft, but is of course very disruptive on that first one. It seems to be a visual bug, as I’ve inspired some crafts that I should have not been in proc range for when this has happened. Specifically a pair of leather boots, that I’m at 302/370 for with a 70 point inspire, it showed as 302/400 and I still got the r5 proc. That being said, the system still treats it as real difficulty when showing the expected quality, so if someone sets a min quality as t4 or t5, suddenly it may think you can’t guarantee it when you actually can. This can be pretty disruptive, and I have lost customers from it.