Reconsidering the Ban on GDKPs in Classic WoW

I know exactly what they are…I moved into a better version of the game… You chose to stay in the most uncompetitive version of the game.

You literally can’t quantify how good you actually are because WSG isn’t competitive.

You can sit here and say you have competitive matches but the people you’re fighting are most likely trash and it’s only competitive to you because you’re as bad as they are so it’s equal skilled players.

Keep ducking poser.

You are right we don’t have a ingame way yet (all they need to do is add solo ranked queue)

But we have fun, competitive, and amazing pvp with an insane skill cap.

Which is more than almost every other game in the world can say.

Skill cap compared to what hello Kitty island?

Your skill cap is literally just bringing consumes.

You’re literally playing the easiest version of the game

Vanilla likely has the highest skill cap of any wow version by a huge amount for pvp.

Nobody has mastered it or come even close in 20 years. While retail modes are constantly changing and they haven’t gotten a new player in decades.

You think roof is a safe spot.

Name two items to counter Goblin Rocket Helm.

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I’m here vacuuming and instantly a certain rolling potion and item from badlands shoot into my mind.

If I showed him a clip of me doing it he wouldn’t know what he’s looking at.

There’s also potentially more items, but they’re either not worth the time it takes to farm ( a certain quest item you don’t turn in ) or don’t function anymore without batching ( a certain raid consumable ).

Bro you not pay attention to like duel tournaments and stuff warlock wins everything.

Nobody has mastered it like what are you even saying.

It’s just pure cope defending the only version of the game you play…

Your skill cap is literally just consumables and engineering.

Duel tournaments aren’t the same thing as WSG lol. SL lock wins every tournament, but it’s a garbage spec to play in WSG. Everytime you post you prove to us you don’t know what you’re talking about and only have circlejerked WoWhead list tier talking points.

At BiS SL warlock doesn’t win 100% and who cares if theres a single spec that is useless at everything else but very good at dueling?

Gear swapping, using our buttons which actually matter, and most importantly teamwork and positioning.

Almost like it is the perfect pvp game.

Sure I would.

I’m going to assume you mean the wsg roof?

Like I said it has multiple meanings

It doesn’t have multiple meanings. Roof is roof, a location on the map.

What’s the best way to utilize the roof position as a flag carrier?

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Played with Og in 2019. Super nice guy and taught me a lot about warlock.

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He ain’t teach you enough tho, where’s your clips

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Never ranked. No Era character. Can’t hit 60 on Anniversary. Couldn’t be me.

What’s the best comp for defending banana as Alliance?

What a insightful comment full of value…

Why did you stop responding?

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Debating someone with a SoD character over GDKP is like administering a tourniquet to a corpse.

I did rank in vanilla.

Ranking means nothing, it isn’t an expression of skill.

Yes I moved on to more competitive versions of the game, you should try it.

Can’t post a clip to show skill because you know you’re bad.

Couldn’t be me.

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