Reclaiming Gilneas!

Gul’dan mogs everyone on here so thoroughly, what the hell was the person who made this smoking.

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Some really potent stuff apparently. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

I though you hated the Vulpera?

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Silly Tam.

Ervine doesn’t have any stance beyond “I wish the Horde was filled with more evil failures” to fulfill his Alliance fantasy.

Beyond that, he will gladly switch his opinion to whatever argument serves his needs.


I still find having a demon paladin amusing.

I do and at this point, I want to fire the gun at the Sword.


You think you do. But you don’t.

Because, see, you and I? We are Horde. Bilgewater Harbor? Horde territory.

This means if we shot the Cannon at the Sword, it’s because obviously we’re evil again, and we’re trying to blow up Sargeras’s sword in the hopes it blows up all of Kalimdor.


You misunderstand, were clearly firing the Cannon at the Sword to save Azeroth. Kalimdor won’t blow up and Azeroth herself will thank us since we shall shatter the Sword and she’ll have a better time of things.


I dunno, this sounds very Alliance-y. Where is the genocide? Who is the warchief leading us into rampant slaughter? Which races are we stepping on the necks of on our way to Bilgewater Harbor?


The Silithid?

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The teleport toy can be used by worgen of any lvl. I tested it and made a fesh lvl 2 pop up in current gilneas right from the racial scenario

…i have to walk to stormwind now


a great big shrug

Shouldn’t you be able to use your hearthstone to return to the intro?

I find Illidan overpriced, and maybe Thrall too.

Unsure, gotta test it on another occasion

If possible, then we kind of discovered time traveling

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Oh man, you are way too late to discover that.

In TBC, Thrall sent us to fight Illidaniel’s forces for the Horde, but then we had to go to Durnhold so we could help Thrall escape so he could create the Horde (and never even thank me for it in the modern day, that jerk!!).

In Wrath, we went from fighting the Scourge led by Arthas to go back to Stratholm so we could help Arthas fight the Scourge!!

But then it went and became so much wackier!! Suddenly Deathwing had just broken the world, and we had to death with all his bull, but then suddenly we had to go back in time to forget that and fight Illidaniel’s forces, THEN also fight Arthas’s Scourge, only to THEN find out Deathwing had just broken the world!!

We broke time so long ago that just hopping from the modern day back to Gilneas’s fall is a normal Thursday.


To be fair to Thrall the Bronze Dragonflight erased our aid from his mind and after he learned that adventurers helped in the Twilight of the Aspects novel, he asked that they thank us for him as they never gave him names.


Yes, well, I suppose I must forgive him for that.

But not for all the times he just went and broke CC for no good reason in heroic!!

Thrall is a jerk.


He gave you challenge mode.

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