Reclaiming Gilneas!

Btw, there is no contradiction between recognizing that the Gilneas questline was bad & incredibly underwhelming (and it absolutely was) and admitting that DF (and post-WoD expansions in general, barring the faction war expac) undeniably advanced Alliance racial lore FAR MORE than it advanced Horde racial lore


If we’re talking blizz advancing night elf lore, which is what legion onward basically was, than sure. It didn’t really do much for the alliance as a whole though


In my server I’ve already spotted plenty of Horde players (some of them were Forsaken) RPing inside Gilneas City or Stormglen Village etc.

I’m sorry but it isn’t sitting right with me. It just isn’t.


That’s depressing and makes me sad


Yep. I honestly don’t know what Blizzard was thinking when they decided to make Gilneas neutral.


I think this is the future though. It’s hitting Alliance cities first, but I expect as Horde cities get redone or fixed (Midnight) the same will happen to them.


In DF, the Night Elves, Draenei and Worgen all got tailored questlines (or entire MSQ arcs in the case of the Nelves) that wrapped up major racial plotbeats, significantly advanced their racial lore and came with tremendous implications for their future as peoples

(And again, yes the Gilneas questline was a massive waste, but it still ended up with a new racial capital and a leadership change, so pretty significant racial lore development, which is what I’m talking about, disregarding quality of said development)

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Tess being made queen isnt a major implication though. That was going to happen regardless being the sole surviving heir and all, but gilneas being neutral might change things sure.

The Man’ari situation is the greatest shakeup and one with the biggest potential impact for everyone else.

The kaldorei got some much needed attention and support from their allies and they needed this after BfA.


The world is changing Tess, and as much as I try I find it hard to change with it.

I can feel Genn’s words so much now. I’m not asking for another faction war, but I was hoping for some boundaries.


My guess is blizz used gilneas as a test run for when quel’thalas gets overhauled for Midnight.

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Yeah, that’s my guess as well. Although I wish they had picked something else as a test run instead of Gilneas :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways, not much we can do about it now.


I mean just wait until the currently ruined half of Quel’thalas becomes the “High Elf Quarter”. Not hoping for that, but I am predicting it.


That sounds horrendous. I don’t wish what happened to gilneas on anyone else. But it wouldn’t surprise me at all

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It being an expected development doesn’t make it less significant though, leadership change is always inherently major racial lore advancement (especially for Worgen players, who only ever knew Genn as leader up until that point). Likewise, Vol’jin being revived, while expected, will be a major development whenever it happens.

(I for one also myself surprised at the Tess thing, cuz sure it had been set up, but I wasn’t expecting it to happen during that questline, if I’m being honest)

The Kaldorei definitely needed positive develoment (“attention”… not so much), which they got a lot of, and that is very great, but that does little to help the fact that Horde players were given close to nothing to chew on compared to the Alliance races I mentioned

Only exception being the Orc Heritage (an absolute marvel, unfortunately that dev since left Blizzard, lol), but Heritage questlines kind of exist in their own separate category so I wasn’t taking them into account


Not trying to argue or anything friend. I’m just trying to make the point that just because certain alliance races got attention, doesn’t mean it was the good kind of attention.

Nobody is happy with the whole gilneas thing and people are generally fatigued with the kaldorei. Ask any of us worgen fans if we’re happy right now and the answer is no

I just don’t like comparing who got what because the attention has been garbage all around is all


I made additional druids… gotta spend the time levelling, but all in all problem solved after years of race changing, now I can finally have them all :smiley:

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I can think of no time it was to this degree. It’s like that quest chain where the Goblins get Azshara being not only Horde only content, but being the entire plot of the patch. They even highjacked the Dragon plot. Without preamble, the dragons suddenly needing the NE Elf capital restored was pretty shallow.

But even then, even with how much the Blizzard ignores the Horde, the attempts to play the victim charge to demand more just showed it will never end. Enough if enough.


Well, for starters, there’s the robot cat. There’s also been multiple examples of Horde content primarily driving a patch brought up in this thread. But if you’re so determined that you’re hard done by, you can always roll a worgen and experience all their real fantastic polished content to your heart’s content.


Truth is I know a number of people that have played Worgen since Cata and the reclamation of Gilneas was handled so poorly that most are either taking a hiatus or rerolling or both. It also comes with the knowledge that this pretty much wraps things up for them story-wise; don’t expect there to be any more content coming for Worgen or Night Elves for a while. Given the quality of the writing and the weird direction it took the lore, outside of a retcon that’s probably a good thing. If this is how Blizzard is handling things I don’t want whoever was responsible for making it touching Horde lore with a 10 foot pole; I’d rather have nothing than more cringey dialogue, dumpstering legacy characters in favor of awful “new blood”, etc. There’s definitely other things to do with the lore and writing than faction war 100% of the time but like it’s been touched on before, please have some kind of sensible boundaries and semi-believable character arcs.

Did the Alliance have more development this expansion than the Horde did? Yeah. Was any of it good? Nope.


Worgen stuff, sure. Kaldorei and Draenei stuff were pretty good. Nelf fans especially seem to be very pleased with Bel’ameth and 10.2.0/10.2.5 in general.