Reclaiming Gilneas!

Are you kidding? Deleted the text where I said the issue was the whole patch, and then claimed I was talking about just the one quest line.

Deleting a point and claiming the opposite is most definitely not answering it. It couldn’t be clearer. It is, in fact, a straw man.

Tess being queen is fine. That was inevitable anyway with her being the only noble kid left. I personally would have liked Ivar or Darius being the new face for the worgen, so it blends the humans and worgen together.


I didn’t delete anything, you not liking the answer is not a straw man. The rest of the patch itself is fine because it was just epilogues to ending of Dragonflight. The only thing anyone really is complaining about, and rightfully so, is the reclamation quest anyway.


The fact remains we have Alliance posters playing the victim because Horde players, who were given only Alliance lore for content for the entire patch, were actually still playing the game and <gasp!>, using vendors as they did.

You can address this or not. Your choice.

I already addressed it. You can either accept it or not. That’s up to you

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I mean, it’s not like it’s the first or last time that quest content for a patch has focused more on one faction.

At least we’ve always done better than robot cat.


We will likely get access to Silvermoon in midnight(and Lordaeron if we are lucky). So yeah, if I wanted parity this feel more like a matter of time rather then anything else.

I think Bel’Ameth and Gilneas were simply test runs for when blizz ultimately makes Quel’thalas a neutral hub in Midnight. Which I can accept if that is indeed the case.

seems like there’s more void elves than blood elves these days so it wouldn’t surprise me. I’m one of those goofballs who think Blood Elves were always a bad fit in the Horde and we should’ve gotten Ogres in TBC but I’m a sucker for aesthetic consistency like that.

I really like the blood elves in the Horde. Both for aesthetic reasons (compare and contrast is fun!) and practical. Their story has very strong mirrors with the orcs, which is great.

I also don’t particularly want neutral Silvermoon – I’m hoping it’s the Island of Quel’danas as a hub if we have one because nostalgia is fun. All I REALLY want is to finally have some positive forest troll content out of the elf patro.l


I just hope TWW ends up being good. Because for the most part, I did enjoy the hell out of Dragonflight. I just hope they keep that up going forward at least.

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To each their own, but we’ll see down the line how they square that circle. I just hope that whoever did the Gilnean questline has nothing to do with it–like let them handle the “go kill 10 boars and fetch 10 cactus apples” for a while until they can show they don’t suck at writing anymore, idk.

I just have to wonder how many more times the Scarlet Crusade is going to be killed until they stop coming back better equipped and more powerful than before. They never really seemed like that big of a threat–they had like…a monastery on the fringes of Tirisfal, a pumpkin patch, half of a ruined city that’s still burning to this day, and they lose every single engagement they’re in. There might have even been a way to make a better story out of all this by tying in the Forsaken heritage quest to the reclamation of Gilneas by giving some extra quest to bridge the gap between events, but the two seem completely unrelated and disconnected.


I mean, I’m generally optimistic. Dragonflight has been fine. It absolutely has a few writing choices that make me sit bolt upright in the middle of the night screaming, “WHY DID THEY DO THAT” to the consternation of my dog, but even those more grievous sins are fairly … forgivable.

Compared to BFA and Shadowlands, it’s been downright good. Gilneas was short, and lame, but being underwhelming, underdeveloped, and only partially finished is practically the third worgen racial at this point.


This is so true it hurts my soul :stuck_out_tongue:


Sad but true :pensive:


When you consider Blizzard cut a lot of Alliance content, specifically for worgen, in Cata; like apparently there was a whole storyline in Silverpine for Alliance side which was a continuation after the starting zone. They also planned to make a Gilnean district in Stormwind but that was scrapped as well.

Then there was the worgen questline in WoD that was cut where worgen were reverting to their feral nature cause the ritual wasn’t the end all be all “cure” so they were seeking a way to help fix that issue.

Then we don’t even need to go over all the crap in BfA between the heritage quest sucking and taking the cool Gilneas themes and aesthetics and giving them to to the KulTirans…

So yeah, I’m not surprised this Gilneas patch was lame, underwhelming, underdeveloped, and overall crap because that’s been Blizzard’s memo since introducing worgen. I genuinely think they don’t like them.


I mean, I was also riffing on the release female worgen and the fact that they still have a high number of broken animations.

But the quests are a big part of it, yeah.


Like, relative to the rest of Warcraft Writing, and especially compared to any writing that takes place in the middle of a faction War goes- Dragonflight has been pleasantly mid instead of existentially depressing

It’s a “Oh c’mon man you can do better than this!:” and not “There is no hope for the future and all is lost”


This quest line has driven me to quit wow, or at least take an extended break from the game again.

I was really looking forward to taking back Gilmeas, it was one of the reasons why I restarted my subscription after blizzcon. Worgen are my favorite race, I love both the Gothic and monster aesthetics. I loved how they were originally were in concept the alliance version of the Forsaken. A nation that has fallen under a curse that has the world view them as monsters. But instead of being ashamed of it, they embrace it. Beastial ferocity and a willingness to cross the line to take the fight to their enemies. Able to counter the savagery of Orcs and match the relentlessness of the Forsaken.

But it seems that they never really got a chance to show or be that after the expansion launched. Over the years it’s been cut quests, cute lore moments, barely any NPC representation, etc etc. So many examples of having been listed in this thread and others, especially over the past week. Goldrinn, a direct link to the creation of the playable race, never acknowledges the worgen player in any way - despite numerous interactions over different expansions.

One really gets the message that Blizzard views playable worgen as a mistake, and if they could they would remove them altogether and make them humans/a different version of Kultirans. Which makes it hard to keep playing if your favorite race/one that makes up the majority of your characters is unwanted.

But hey, hopefully one day that will change, or at least they’ll actually make a public response to worgen plays concerns.


Y-yeah no they’re not, one was about finally reclaiming a racial capital after 15 years, the other was about Baine going on some (completely out-of-character) Centaur slaughtering rampage

I don’t think there was a +1200 posts thread about the Baine questline when it was released lmao, which I mean of course there wasn’t since no one really cared that much about it

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