Reclaiming Gilneas!

Unlike the Baine quest. it is the only content of the half patch. For Horde players, it was play Alliance content or have no content at all. And then we read Alliance posters playing the victim and demanding more entitlement. But you know, that really isn’t the point…

This entire patch has been forcing Horde to play Alliance content. Even then, Blizzard favors Alliance lore so much, that I’ve come to expect it. But then to hear posters try to claim being the victim so they can demand more entitlement…

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10.0.7 was dedicated to Baine’s questline just like 10.2.5 is dedicated to Gilneas. They’re the same thing.


Except, of course, they have provided no other content. So I guess what posters whine about having Horde play it, is they expect is that Horde players just sit out a half patch completely?

You could have done a number of Dragonflight related stuff. Nobody made you go to Gilneas to help reclaim it for a subpar transmog and an outdated fox mount.

Complaining about like this is why the serious complaints rarely get taken serious.


First of all, the idea that this is all I’ve complaining about is a straw-man. It’s been like this the entire patch. And I have no doubt that a poster that thinks Horde being able to use vendors in Alliance content that is the only story content is a big deal, would hit the roof if they had only Horde content to play through. And the idea that you can still play the same dungeons and raid would hardly mollify them.

And, in the end, I could accept the entire patch being Alliance content if it meant they would stop hearing posters claim they never get anything. But no, Blizzard let Horde players use vendors in the only content they had, so Alliance or victims? Give me a break.

Cry more buddy


First off, I didn’t say that was the only thing you were complaining about. So there is no straw man. I just said complaining about Gilneas, when you didn’t have to do it, is why other complaints in general, aren’t taken as serious.

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Typical. The tears flow from some posters and someone points out that they aren’t uniquely entitled and suddenly the standard changes.

Keep crying buddy


Keep being a hypocrite.

You’re the one crying about a completely optional questline, acting like blizzard personally a put a gun to every horde players head and made them do an entirely OPTIONAL questline, while you could have done any number of other things in game, like I don’t know, raids, crafting, dungeons, pvp, open world content, etc.


This entire quest and all characters involved were unbelievably lame. Blizzard stop letting trash write your lore and make your quests.


The most aggravating part is we KNOW they can do better than this. Take the forsaken and orc heritage quests as examples. There’s no reason for the reclamation quest to have come off as lazy as it did.


“You’re the one crying about a completely optional questline”

Except that isn’t what I said. I have said I’m complaining about Blizzard giving no story content for the entire patch that isn’t Alliance lore and then Alliance posters claiming the victim because Horde players could use the vendors on the only content they were given.

But I guess there is no answer for that point.

The Gilneas quest line was so small, and they still couldn’t come up with something for the Horde? Clearly they just don’t care.

It makes the Forsaken questline feel a lot less meaningful when it’s like…ok you kill some Scarlets because they’re our main antagonist; we completely wiped them out in Silverpine and Fenris Isle. So…while we were doing that they just kinda took Gilneas? And then Lillian Voss who is apparently the undead equivalent of Me’dan kills them while we tag along?

As a side note I disagree that the Horde should have been involved in this at all, just as the Alliance shouldn’t have had any involvement in retaking Lordaeron. I’m not even all about that faction war stuff either, it just feels forced and lame.


You act is if it was some sort of great quest they handed us on a platter. Be nice if guys like you stopped playing the victim just once. It was a shoddy made quest that even has other horde posters saying it’s stupid they can use the vendors.

Not sure what you’re trying to prove with this


You know it is getting bizarre when people take a post where you complain about “A”, delete the text where you talk about “A”, and then claim you are complaining about “B”. But if you don’t have an answer for “A”…

You not liking the answer doesn’t mean I didn’t answer it. Not sure what else you’re looking for. You’re complaining about a optional subpar quest line that you CHOSE to participate in.


You act is if it was some sort of great quest they handed us on a platter. Be nice if guys like you stopped playing the victim just once. It was a shoddy made quest that even has other horde posters saying it’s stupid they can use the vendors.

Agreed. Posting my TL;DRED thoughts on this…

Scarlet Crusade should not have been used; should have been Banshee Loyalists for the closest thing possible without faction conflict

Horde shouldn’t be here, was dumb to have Alliance involvement in Lordaeron and it’s dumb here - should be purely Alliance

Gilneas should be ALLIANCE. not NEUTRAL.

The only thing I don’t entirely have a problem with is Tess being Queen; the worgen racial leader should be a Worgen and not a human.