Recent rogue nerfs and burst rotation issue

With the recent nerfs to crit Lego in 100% sure we can just delete that legendary and move it. <3 secs isn’t viable for anything. I don’t mind moving to assasination but I hate the burst. Can’t wrap my head around using vanish just to burst after all poisons/bleeds have been applied. I’m new to the class, just like to go do wpvp and duels and stuff. I was taught the following burst and please correct any mistakes here. Also… this is using crit Lego atm… on a 4 sec window and you vanish because it takes a few secs to apply poisons and bleeds, vanish to start drifting again.

From stealth open with CC-garrote-rupture-flagellation
Pop vendetta/trinket.
Mfd envenom
mutilate envenom
Mutilate envenom

Is there a thing around not using your vanish? I mean we have master assasin with a 50% crit inc + whatever your crit is going high is pretty much always crit in a 3 sec cd. But I hate using vanish to crit again with envenom on the crit window. Help :frowning:

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Vendetta / trinket THEN Vanish.
The on use trinket will break stealth and you lose a precious split second on the MA buff (talent or leggo)

Get all bleeds up
Get to 5 CP and pool energy
Vendetta/Racial > Trinket > Shiv > Vanish > Envenom > MfD > Envenom

That’s what’s makes Vanish unique. It can be used as an offensive or defensive CD. It’s one of those nuances that make Rogue interesting to play.


Vanish was used often back in the day for an extra cheap shot or ambush. Back in the day when cheap shot didn’t DR with kidney shot.

Mmmmmmm. delicious…I can hear the screams of huntards from here as they tried to escape stun locks.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Let’s not forget Prep resetting Vanish. :slight_smile:

#RoguesCantHaveNiceThings because people cry. :frowning:


Thank you!

I’ve used it and ppl melt. I mainly grief at the maw (why not) and duels and wpvp. Just sucks to have to wait for vanish to come off gc to kill another soul farming Stygia :joy:

Thanks for the advice.

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One simple solution to this is not to use the crit leggo as assassination, doomblade is much better and allows your consistent dmg and burst setups to be much smoother


If you ever play sub crit Lego and you can burst someone from 100-0 in < 4 secs you know what I’m talking about (I don’t have gear and I can burst anyone with 35k hp or less <4 secs ). I’m trying to play assasination and do the same as much as I can. Not trying to be out or looking for consisten dmg. I get you… I’m just looking for a replacement. I have a feeling it won’t happen because you need ramp up time as assasination but hey… I’ll try