Recent Feral Buffs & Possible Adjustments (Glyph?) - UPDATED 4/10 -

Jeez you really haven’t been on this forums long have you bud.

If you need to ask those questions you should do more reading and less typing.

So you enjoy the class and spec, great. Let’s give the buff you just received to warriors, I’m sure you won’t care since you just enjoy the class and spec, right? Or maybe you’re just saying that because like ret paladins you just received a buff and you want to pull the ladder up behind you. So you make buffs out to not be a big deal.

I couldn’t care less if you get buffed or nerfed. I don’t play warrior; I play Druid.

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As I’ve said I’ve played feral druid since classic launch so clearly I play it for enjoyment not DPS ranking

But I mean why does it matter??

Now they are top tier, who cares??

So odd how much people care where they are.


A lot of people were expecting feral to be great in wrath anyway, before it released. I say good for feral druids, they’ve had to jump through so many hoops to do anything in classic, so they probably deserve a buff.


I see them posting logs where they are high 90. mostly 99s beating all their 40-80 rated guildys. Think the top feral world is 100dps over the top War logs on all boss fights now.

I mean what I’d have preferred is a change to Glyph of Savage Roar:

Increases the duration of savage roar by 18 seconds.

That way we can use lower point savage roar for longer uptime, so that points/energy can be spent on bites instead.

As for FFF, they should’ve just given it a base line chance to proc OOC like it used to back in the day.

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Good lord they’ve managed to open a pandora’s box with these changes.

Going to be just like retail now, people begging for this and that. :rofl: :roll_eyes:

I would have been fine with FB just refreshing RIP.

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Not a bad idea, but that would be broken in arena.

This wouldn’t solve bearweaving. threat terrorism would persist.

This is why I coupled the penalty into my mock-up glyph. You won’t kill Bearweaving unless it no longer makes sense to Bearweave.

A glyph seemed like a good way to straight up say, use this and you can’t use bear abilities to do respectable damage.

The current buff just doesn’t make sense to ever try (besides a couple micro windows of opportunity I hear) since you’re clearcasting so frequently.

I’m not a huge fan of penalizing bear damage because a lot of fights ferals are hybrid tanks. Respeccing or reglyphing between fights might be a pain

It is a good point. A large part of the original intent seemed to be doing both tank and damage so a glyph penalizing one or the other completely kicks that in the sack.

I would argue that maybe the concept doesn’t need to exist with Dual Spec, and the amount of damage Feral puts out now. Maybe if you need to tank, re-spec tank prior to the fight.

Something doesn’t sit right with doing our current damage AND being able to tank with the buff as is.

We still can’t really tank and dps as is, the specs are a little different and the gear is completely different. Feral OTing in kitty was super situational, so for any serious tanking feral was already switching both spec and gear, which is done between encounters anyways.

100% troll post. For god’s sake we have been begging for a buff forever and then when they give us one we complain that it’s too much. The changes are fine. It’s nice to be competitive for once.


Zero To 1 Feral on 25 comp nowadays. “Cmon I have Innervate and IloTP, invite me !”… Oh well its easier to accept another melee doing competitive damage. And stop the feelscraft regarding the scaling….


lol this is funny,

yall were topping classic and good part of TBC
now you cry cry
get a grip on yourself or might as well quit.

Q.Q me a river my little warrior

Get on your main and say that coward.

I didn’t run a warrior in vanilla or TBC. I’ve heard that counterargument so many times and it’s always made by someone who just sidles in to these threads and has no idea what they’re talking about.


Feral buffs are fine. Leave them alone and let them shine.

Nice play posting on a level 50 retail character… wargen druids came out in Cataclysm… not Wrath.

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