Reasons no new players are signing up

hunters have been op in low levels since day one and guess who’s still here?

you. you and everyone who doesn’t try something new one time, lose cuz “balance” then never try it again.

Does that mean they can’t change it ever? Does that mean they can’t wake up and balance the thing up for once?

They are buffing rapid fire again…seriously ha ha.

Do you enjoy a smaller player base in pvp?

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This is the thing all these folks on here who think they are elite PVP monsters don’t seem to realize people are leaving PVP in droves and the Qs are going up and up. Soon they won’t have anyone to satiate their lust for power.

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Its gonna be a pvp echo chamber. Some compromises gotta be made.

Is low level pvp huge thing these days? Not realy cuz you levl out fast but to a new player it may just suck bad enough to not continue doing pvp


losing to twink hunters in 10-19 on my first toon is the reason i made my 2nd toon a 29 twink hunter.

Smashing I’m so happy for you.

Pretty sure I was farming you earlier. ( Might have been last night )

Don’t queue up your 70s in the 61-69 bracket and I won’t spend all my time in the game making sure you get well acquainted with the graveyard.

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Not sure who you are replying to. Not me. I’ve never PS in WOW and never will.

Just an anecdotal example. My RL friend recently rejoined wow, I tried to get him into pvp… he could only win games when I was in the matches with him. He gave it up and just does pve because its less stressful and can’t be bothered with all the problems with pvp.


Blizzard also made PvP gearing more complicated.

It’s not just buying conquest gear from a vendor.

You have to explain how to created crafted gear with embellishments and trophies.

You need to take conquest gear and fly to a separate location to convert it to tier gear.

There’s also wPvP gear but I haven’t looked into that.

We advise new PvPers to gear up in random epic bgs, but those are now rife with premade raids. They’ll probably get roflstomped or their team will be half empty when the game begins.

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lmao, are you for real?


Same, legit haven’t even touched the wPvP stuff - especially since it’s a separate/additional currency

In general this seems like a pretty “currency-bloated” expansion, I just can’t be bothered trying to “stay current” on all these various other currencies/too lazy to care :yawning_face:

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I clicked to the full notes…

As a MW heals, bruh what?

“Chi Cocoon’s absorb is increased by 100%.”

That it is, but at least most of it can be ignored by pvp’ers.

I just want them to stop dumping those damn residue sacks in our win boxes.

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Since Blizzard won’t fix it, I twink out hunters and only focus other Hunters in low level BG’s to give them a taste of their own medicine. Probably doesn’t do anything, but it makes me feel good.

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I don’t believe in queueing against low level players as a level 70 as I promised someone I love very much that I would never do that, but for you I will make an exception.