Reasoning behind restricting roles?

But WHY did they set it up this way? What benefit to the game is gained by invoking this restriction? How does this make playing with guilders and friends more enjoyable?


Actually it’s a concept that’s 11 years old now. You had to have multiple sets of Tier gear even back in BC/Wrath. Maybe even Cata.

That concept was changed - in Legion, tier sets changed their bonus when you changed specs. This was AMAZING and didn’t punish players for taking on a tanking or healing role when helping out in raids/groups.


That’s because the focus was on the weapons. You still had to maintain those as well as rings/trinkets.

And just because they do it for one expansion does not mean it’s a permanent change.

This still doesn’t answer the question: WHY do they want it this way for this expansion?


One STILL has to maintain these in ADDITION to Azerite Gear now.


Exactly. But I find it hard to believe that Blizzard hasn’t given a response to this - I guess I could be wrong. :frowning:

Because they’ve iterated on the Artifact system and merged it with the old Tier armor bonuses. Rather than coming up with 72 different tier bonuses (2pc and 4pc for 36 specs) they have a pool of them that they let us choose from.

This keeps them from either having to give us bland, boring ones like we saw in Vanilla like “Increases your Critical Strike by 30”, or having to nerf them all the time like we saw in Legion.

I was speaking in terms of AP. But instead of funneling it into 2-4 different weapons, you’re funneling it into a single piece, the neck, and three armor slots are where the effects are felt.

The only thing that changed in regards to weapons, AP not withstanding, is the fact we’re not handed them at the beginning and we’ve returned to upgrading them via subsequent drops.

Blizzard restricts the ability to use relevant traits for the different roles (DPS/Healer/Tank) like tier sets used to allow because they’ve iterated on the Artifact system and merged it with the old Tier armor bonuses?

That doesn’t make sense to me. What benefit is gained through these restrictions and how does it make the game more enjoyable?


I have nothing to add to this discussion. I just needed to say that I love your name lol. May the Schwartz be with you!

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We are suppose to use different sets as it use to be. The only thing I have done at level cap, on my Hunter, is world quests. You should see my Hunter’s bank.
I have more pieces of azerite gear for each slot than I will ever use.
More than enough to cover all three specs not including the set my Hunter is

But WHY? And how does this add value to our gameplay and make things more fun?

I’ve received 4 of the same 370 shoulders and 3 of the same chests (which have some of the worst traits for all of my specs) .

A player could have 385 shoulders with decent dps traits, but BiS tank/healing traits. All the time I put into all the 370 duplicates means nothing and the player is stuck having to spend gold so that they can be a decent tank/healer when the need for those roles arise.

This doesn’t allow players to help out and participate with their community (without a cost associated with it) to help play the game effectively. This isn’t fun.

I’m open-minded enough to listen to the benefits and enjoyment that Blizzard feels these issues help to provide - which is why I asked the question and hoped someone could point me to a reference where Blizzard has provided such an answer.

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Ask the devs. None of us were privy to those discussions in the decision making process.

But maintaining two sets of gear is nothing new. It was the worst in BC/Wrath.

I guess I was assuming that the devs had already provided an answer. Was hoping someone would share the reference so I could read their official response.

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As far as I know, they did. The answer was use different sets for each spec.
None of us can say why they decided on that however.

That is an extremely one-sided description. Obviously that is not a “purpose” of Blizzard. Obviously that is not something they “want”.

But perhaps there are 2 other (or 30 other) issues that must also be considered, not this one-sided issue all by itself. And when all of them were considered, they ended up with a decision you don’t like.

Blizzard can explain why they decided on that - which is what my question is meant to address.

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How do you conclude that it’s “Obvious”?

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I asked a question. And your view of things that are obvious appear to be unsubstantiated.

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Time played metric? Seems to be a solid go-to these days. :frowning: