True but I prefer the charge for the 1 sec immobilize. Also warp stalker’s can’t learn gore only bite & claw. Meaning they don’t have a focus dump. As BM my pet will have a lot of focus (from 2 different talents) so I need gore. Gore is spammable, claw and bite have cooldowns.
The meta is Ravager (gets +10% DPS bonus which is max) with Gore until you have 30% crit (before buffs) then swap to Wind Serpent (Lightning Breath). This is due to the fact that you’ll be wasting focus ‘regen’ with how much you’ll be critting that dumping focus on Gore cannot keep up. Lightning Breath, however, can at a cost of 50 focus per.
Meta for pve sure but I mentioned BG’s. I’ll never be geared enough to have 30% crit so it’s between a ravager and a boar. And I’d rather have another way to kite (charge immobilize) over a slight dps increase for BGs. Boar is also tankier (+4% hp & +9% armor) which matters when players are trying to kill your pet.
Ravager is almost always superior to Cat since Gore is objectively better than Claw.
Wind Serpent is always good to have in case you need to swap on a boss/instance that is just incredibly melee unfriendly. Scorpid is good to have for the stack poison like you said.
The rest are mostly gonna be vanity pets of which there is an even wider variety in TBC
If only we had more than 3 stable slots in tbc we get 5 in wotlk but are still stuck with the same 3 in tbc
If I remember correctly, certain pet types offer buffs/debuffs that pets in general can’t normally offer. I was going to say something about exotic pets, but then remembered that was added in Wrath.
I usually just had a bear, a cat, and a wolf. Never really cared for pvp pet types, like boar or gorilla. I would tame the “rare” pets for there unique skins.
Ravagers are the best dps pet until you hit 30% crit then its back to wind serpents. Ravagers wont be able to dump their focus fast enough to keep up because of the “go for the throat” talent.
i don’t think hunters have 2 pets out till wolk as a talent in BM tree.
Is wind serpent still the play if you have an enhancement shaman tho? Cause the breath attack is gonna be using up the charges of stormstrike. Isn’t that a net dps loss for the raid compared to ravager with too much focus?
if we get the pre nerf scorpid pet then that would be worth stabling for arenas
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