Rearranging and Removing Portals

This is the heart of the problem. They keep listening to people who don’t even really play anymore and who want things to feel like it used to.

Except they forget that people who have consistently played this game don’t care to see whatever zone you wish to pick for the x1000000000000000 billionth time.

Going through it one more time is not going to make it suddenly alive or interesting. The only thing interesting that happens in old zones these days are random pvp battles and they’re are rare in my experience.


As I jokingly said in another post, its a lot easier to take something out to generate some form of time-played metric than it is to create new content to achieve the same result.

Want us to go back to the older zones? Give us a real reason to. WoW players love the game or they wouldn’t play it - so give us more game, dammit! Put in events that we want to do, we are all hungry to go back to those places we love for a purpose and not just to travel through them as fast as we can.


Exactly now instead of just porting to the caverns of time to run dragon soul for the 1000th time I have to waste time flying this isnt going to make the world feel bigger it just adds more annoyance to an already annoying chore

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Once again, Blizzard is completely tone deaf and wrong, wrong, WRONG.

I don’t know if anyone has brought this up, but I’m concerned about what a laggy mess you’re creating by making a single portal room in the Capitol Cities. It may translate ok on PTR where there are FAR fewer players accessing them, but have you considered what it’s going to be like when the entire player base is now tied to Org. and Stormwind?


Ya know what would have been awesome an made everyone happy not removing the old portals we have had for years.

How come every time you ***************, at blizzard add something cool to the game like the new portal rooms you cant do it without removing more than we are gaining


cause they dont change anything for the player to be happy or for them its all about making more money for investors and stupid as metrics nothing has been made with a they will love this and will be a qol improvement its all how can we force them to waste more time doing the same thing they do now but more inconvenient

Some of these portals have been in place for 10 years, others over 5. Not a single, solitary player had a problem with them. And now, out of the blue in the middle of a disaster of an expansion, this is the hill they are gonna die on?? And pretending leaving Cata portals in is some kind of consolation?? Do these people even play this game?? Three of those six portals are to places you literally CANNOT ACCESS without them. If they removed them, you might as well remove all of Tol Balard, Deepholm and Vash’jir.

This is nothing but a move to increase the /timeplayed metric so Activision can show numbers on a spreadsheet at the quarterly earnings call, because god knows you can’t use subscriber numbers in that meeting anymore.


What’s that I hear?
Faster flight speeds you say?
You’re opening flying in all zones?
You’re making instant flight paths?
OMG! Thanks Blizzard! You guys are the best!

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I thought the portal room would address the need to consolidate existing portals into one convenient space.

Silly me for not realizing sooner that simple feature would be impossible to implement without mucking it up somehow.

When the game includes multiple continents and worlds, conveniences for traveling become important. I don’t need to explain why, we already have one mega-thread that does that.

There is no reason why existing portals have to be removed at all. Stop telling us what you want our opinions to be on this subject, clearly many players do not agree.


There will be a lot of rage quitters on patch day. And QQ threads in extreme amount.

Ok… if you’re going to force me to take boats and airships to get to places the least you can do is add an NPC next to the boat/airship where I just talk to them and they “teleport” me to the ships destination. Waiting for those ships is incredibly annoying especially when they’re bugged and not showing up.

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All im saying is yeah remove the duplicate portals so that is more streamline, but leave unique portals in game, like CoT and karazhan, that allow people to get to transmog hunting faster without 10 minutes of flight time.

I must admit, when I reread Kaivax’s post, I saw this again and when I thought about its implications, it made me laugh. Because, y’know, how would we even get to Vash’jir or Deepholm without the portals? So saying you were keeping them active…is a Good Thing…



Gotta increase those time played metrics lol

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that ten extra mins is the whole reason they are doing this bull crap they want to show their stupid investors look they are all playing 0 mins longer we are such geniuses we are so good at the job


Time played metrics go up with new content not portal removal.

Time played goes down not up cause people quit.


I mean, is that hard to do things that people want? you guys are making the game for us to play isn’t?

Trying to squeeze more time out of people to have to make them travel feels annoying. If traveling by flight mount wasn’t so boring seeing as we are gonna see the same areas over and over and there is nothing interesting in a lot of the older zones.

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The reason the world “feels small” has nothing whatsoever to do with how easy it is to get around. It has everything to do with the fact that there’s literally no reason to go anywhere outside of current content except for transmog/mount runs, otherwise known as the kind of content that people don’t want to spend hours and hours doing, they want to get in and out as quickly as possible so they can log into an alt and do it again.

Responses like this are ridiculous and do more harm than good. The devs really are out of touch with the players and it shows more and more every day.


Just rearrange the cleft portals so they arent all over the place. No reason to remove.

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