Rearranging and Removing Portals

He said dryly while being summoned to the raid he was about to run.


What toy sends me to the Caverns of Time?


If non BFA content becomes troublesome I doubt people start doing BFA content because it is easier to reach.

Sorry blizz but not matter how many flight whistles and direct ports you add BFA is very ordinary as an expansion.


Did you READ the frikkin OP here?
Yeah…something HAS BEEN and IS BEING removed.
Theyre called ‘pooortaaaals’.

bag slots and CD’s
No thanks.


Lol exactly my thought. It’s like these trolls don’t even think before they post. In before engineer teleport to tanaris like everyone is an engineer. :smiley:


lol that most certainly would not be my reaction.

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Not to mention my paily is the ONLY one with most of these ‘toys’ because they are CHARACTER bound, NOT account bound, and NOT toys. Try rings/tabards/trinkets that I have about 10 of that are NOT toys.


I actually am an Engineer, but I have Goblin Engineering, so I can’t use the Gadgetzan Transporter. I’m also not going to pick up Engineering on all of my characters.

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You provided what solution to the problem again? The problem was created by Blizzard for removing things in game that they put in game for us to use. Why take away things for no reason?

That’s an extra two minutes per character per attempt. Something that has been brought up repeatedly.

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Out of likes.

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When I saw an official blue thread on this topic I thought “fantastic, they have listened to the mountains of feedback and are retracting their decision”.

But no, turns out the devs are just digging their heels in with this change. Unbelievable. Who exactly is this change aimed at? Which players will like this change? This is just completely baffling.

The devs need to be transparent here. Is this change just to artificially lengthen gameplay? Because it’s showing every sign of being that kind of change, seeing the developer decision to dig their heels in despite the feedback.


Stormwind > Dalaran/Crystalsong Forest > fly to Ulduar. It’s actually closer than Wyrmrest would put you.

Closer to 4 minutes or thereabouts from Zuldazar, actually, so if you’re running 20 alts per week that’s over an hour devoted just to getting somewhere to play the game.

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Please stop killing the game

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OK, now I’ve set my Hearthstone to Gadgetzan, that adds way more than 2 minutes to do almost anything in Pandaria since the Shrine portals are going bye bye.

It’s become increasingly clear that you do not farm old content with any sort of regularity with your narrow-minded solutions that make things worse.