Rearranging and Removing Portals

yeah… the same “they” who started this thread… asking for feedback, which people have been giving… or at least, trying to.
If anyone dares to not agree with everything you say, you start belittling them and attacking them.

… it would be nice if you’d let other people give their feedback, without having to feel like they need to be ready to defend themselves against an incoming attack.

If you want to talk about other games, there’s an entire other section of forum for that, you don’t need to do it here.

remember… you’re:

calling out trolls for trolling is the trolls fault. Stop trolling and go find something that does actually affect your game time in some way and that problem will resolve itself.
We ALL know your views on the matter now. You dont need to keep repeating them. And since you arent here to get anything done, I have to assume your incessant trolling is just to get this thread shut down again.

Were you going for irony?
YOU are the one attacking US for expressing OUR views and our trying to get blizzard to revert these asinine changes.
Youve left your ‘feedback’ like 100 times now.
YOU and others here have been insulting us since very early on in these threads and we all know it.
And again, WE KNOW YOUR VIEWS NOW…YOU are the one in here POUNDING THEM into our heads after you posted the FIRST time.
Asking you to STOP TROLLING US is HARDLY attacking :roll_eyes:

Youve been quite clear about your position…you arent here to change anything so how about YOU stop trolling for responses here so WE who ARE here to change things can discuss the issue…k? thx

Now PLEASE get BACK to the TOPIC of the thread before you get it closed again.


This would not surprise me at all, after the removal of first aid. In Legion, they had everything set to revitalize the profession “nobody uses”: a rep faction (the First Responders), quests that sent you out to heal injured adventurers, an achievement that rewarded a title.

But then, with all the work in place - the quests, the achievement, the work done - they pulled the First Responders as a rep faction, leaving us with what felt like a pointless complication to leveling first aid. I’m sure many people didn’t bother with it, because the only way to get the skill points to cap was those quest drops, and if your skill wasn’t already high enough to make splints or whatever, you had to drop that quest and hope for a different one.

Then, with the defense, “nobody bothers with first aid anyway” they dropped the profession entirely. And the players shrugged and said, “Yeah, nobody used first aid, who cares?”

After that display, I won’t be at all surprised if other things they want to trim get the “first we make it useless, then we make it annoying, and then when we remove it nobody cares” treatment. It’s why I’m concerned about the state off all the other professions they’ve made both useless and annoying (thanks to the excessive use of soulbinding on the mats and the gear, both).


To the subject: ‘Quest portals’ are not happening, despite all the usual promises and almost daily ‘hotfixes’. The removal/gating of so many travel fixtures by a company that measures game play by TIME is all too obvious.
Flips hair


To the mods: Please do not close the entire post, because of a few obvious trolls.
There is too much here of import and punishing the entire forum community because of the actions of a few is counter-productive.
Just the true offenders please.
Even if one of them is me.
Sips tea,and hopes.


People are still babbling about portals? Close this thread.

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Portals for questing players do not work, so yes the discussion will continue.


Id rather be personally suspended than having them silence everyone here who wants these pointless changes reverted.
I may never come back to WoW. It’ll take Ion and his crew stepping down, I think, for me to sub again. And it might take Blizzard being unchained from Activion too. I 'll have to see how things go.

One thing for certain, Activision and this Ion person have DESTROYED the good name and reputation of Blizzard with their greed and lies.


And yet you chose to both read AND post here.
How about you just not do either?


Dear friend, please save your wit and incalculable knowledge of this game for the relevant subject: we need you for that, and greatly.
Let the mods do their job.
Flips hair

Let me offer you this lesson which several other anti-portal people have yet to figure out: the removal of portals was Blizzard throwing an incendiary device into a dumpster full of dry scrap in the middle of a heat wave. Insulting the pro-portal people in this thread has had the effect of throwing a full container of lighter fluid into that dumpster fire.

If you want it to go away then keep calm and scroll on.


This topic is temporarily closed for 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 24 hours.

Reset day and I have cut down on my old content runs a bit since the time does add up even on a few characters. But since I have the garrison and Legion Dalaran Heathstones that helps. Add in that my hearth is set to the shrine I have tailored which characters to run at the time I have.


Thank you.
As of this posting, quest portals are still non-functional.
Other relevant point: please provide for better security for the Orgrimmar Portal room: it is VERY vulnerable, at this time.
To conclude: please seriously reconsider the removals: all would be better, especially for the Dalarans and Shrines, if their former capacities were re-established.
Flips hair; sips his noon-time tea


Grabs Popcorn

And another pops up

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TIL that the huge number of annoyed people are actually just 4 even though there’s hundreds of individual accounts posting here.

But that’s tinfoil hats and plugging ears for ya.


The trolls are going to troll, my friend.


You’re right. I’ve learned not to bother engaging.

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I wish everyone would have that much self-control.