Rearranging and Removing Portals

I have to do it allll teh time. :smile:

Holy masked profanity, Batman, I’ve never even seen OLD Dalaran that dead.


You get a like for the phrase.

Holy Masked Profanity, Batman!

That made me laugh.


I went through New and Old Dal on ED couple days ago.
Nobody except my pally, all by her lonesome.

I know and as I mentioned I have some of the bigger servers in my CRZ. That really is something to think about.

I’ve played clarinet and saxophone for more than 45 years. I wish I could blame my typos on slow fingers. (Hope your finger-problem isn’t anything serious and just affects your typing.)

That’s about how I do things (minus the finger issues - sorry to hear that’s an issue for you). It seems like I always find some kind of typo, or maybe my sentence structure is off, or maybe I just have a better idea of how to phrase the post to get the point I was trying to make across better.

I’m glad that it seems to take a few minutes before the post gets marked as edited because sometimes I’ll edit the post several times quickly as I catch various typos.

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On the up side, its not getting worse and it doesn’t hurt. So I haven’t really mentioned it to a doctor in earnest. I have mentioned it, but the doctors I’ve had focused on a simple mindset.

“It’s not a serious problem, and its not getting worse. We can delay worrying about it.”

It’s a nuisance more than anything. Though I certainly am worried about how arthritis may aggravate it. But, I’m still young enough that arthritis isn’t a huge thing I have to worry about.

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Its a nuisance. Honestly I didn’t even realize the problem until I was taking a class in 10 key. I hit 8000 keystrokes and couldn’t go faster. Because my pinky and ring finger weren’t responding fast enough. That’s when I started actively paying attention to my typing and noticed I’d pretty much abandoned homerow for typing.

I don’t know exactly what caused it, though I suspect it may be permanent nerve damage from a minor incident years ago. Hurt my hand and for like two months I couldn’t properly open or close my right hand. This was at a bad point in my life where medical assistance was not something I could get unless it was a choice of me dying or living. So I babied the hand until I could use it normally.

Maybe because I’m a musician (and I’ve just started learning piano as well), it sounds like a “serious” problem to me. But if it isn’t getting worse and isn’t making life difficult for you, maybe you really don’t need to worry about it.

It’s like this portal issue. It’s not really a serious problem in the overall scheme of my life. But, it has already made me play less, and I was a major WoW fangurl not very long ago. I used to say I would be here until they shut the servers down. Now, I’m not so sure.

Anyway, as long as your fingers don’t cause you to stop enjoying doing things you love/want to do, then it’s okay.


I do pay attention to how well the fingers in question work. Because there is that part of me worried it may get worse. So far, knock on wood, it hasn’t. But growing old can do nasty things to the body, especially when it already doesn’t work.

Getting back on topic, minor changes can too easily lead to bigger consequences. You may think a small thing is no big deal, but small thing + small thing + small thing can end up joining together and become a big thing.


The irony is that is a staple of many RPGs. Where you’re sent to clean up a number of small things and suddenly you begin to connect the dots and realize they’re part of a big thing.

A problem with attacks in the bad part of town. Then cultists attacking priests. And finally a shipment of weapons gone missing.

All seemingly small things, until you realize the cultists were kidnapping people downtown for sacrifices to a dead god. These same cultists were attacking priests to steal holy relics for their unholy rituals. The weapons were to be handed over to an army they were going to summon.

Wham, suddenly you have a Big thing to worry about.

This forum? Not many.
All around the web there are exchanges just like this one.
All of them ive seen so far mirror this thread. The vast majority are against the portal removals.
At a point one has to start accepting that the sample size is large enough to be indicative of the actual numbers for and against in the masses of players.

We’ll see how many are willing to quit over it over the next few months.

And even if it is just 1% who quit, that’ll be enough for acticraption to panic and make the next idiotic move to try to draw out play time.
Glad I bailed out now instead of later when it all goes into the red.

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That is DEAD.
Usually hopping with over 100 players easy every time Id go there even well into BFA.

Clearly by design. Kill all old content. Make BfA look like its actually playable. Funnel everyone where the investors can see them :roll_eyes:

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Well,Boralas is pretty dead here on my server just a handful running around been like this for days.

Wish Id have screen shot ESO earlier
There are these ‘invasion’ style spots all over the map where a giant portal opens up and all kinds of stuff comes pouring out.
And oh man…the gear and other drops is good. I got three gear upgrades in a single fight.
But there was like 100 players all in that one spot fighting.
Almost all of those spots have a large group of players on them when theyre active.
I thought it was going to hose my FPS, but ESO must have a pretty good engine or something because it ran really smooth even on this low end desktop.

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Which is why we have portals to Darkshore and Arathi Highlands. Apparently instant teleportation is good for those areas but not for others.


Not just here either. Its all over the web. Youtube videos has quite a bit of this topic too with the comments in many of them quite agitated about the portals being removed.

Doesnt matter now anyway. Blizzard has lost player trust now.
Even if they fix it I dont think its going to matter. Players are at a breaking point with a horrible expansion after a moderately ok one after the big crap one where they tried to steal flight.

I dont think the company is going to recover after three expansions that got a lot of bad rep, then pulling the master loot crap and now this portal thing, added to dozens of other joke moves such as the incessant, merciless nerfing of all things good.


Trust is a commodity that is hard to earn but far too easy to lose.

If you’re familiar with Phoenix Point(XCOM inspired game), you may have heard about the fiasco about them signing an exclusive with Epic Games, after promising it’d launch on Steam and Gog.

The backers are obviously upset over this as well as the other less than sterling responses from the company. Trust was definitely lost there.