Realms pop

Well, when they have video footage of said dev saying that…

People keep saying this, but as far as I know they’ve never offered transfers FROM dead realms - only TO them. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Previous efforts to offer free transfers from high->low pop have had anemic results at best. Most people would rather deal with queues and lag than ghost towns.

Layering will help prevent every server from becoming a ghost town, but frankly I don’t see how it will encourage population distribution. Queues would be the main discouraging tool for that. If anything, layering has the opposite effect and would facilitate even more severe imbalance.

Ok thats fair enough. Seems important enough to blue post that on the official forums, but I’ll dig through twitch to find that, thanks.

I don’t know about that quote specifically, as there was a mix of stuff most of the streamers have, some said in front of the camera, other stuff said after the camera was turned off. But the whole matter of being able to establish they were in proximity to the the Devs does tend to lend credibility to the claim.

Maybe it’s just me, but unless there’s video or a post of a representative of Blizzard saying it, it’s too easy to say “that was a misunderstanding” and go back on it.

Even when they’re on video and the forums saying things they have sometimes gone back on their word. But I’m even excluding this issue, sometimes things change, I get it.

It’s also very reasonable to accept that they would be interested in keeping realms healthy.

However I’m a little frustrated that it’s 2 days after the big announcements and I have to go to twitch to find official information. That makes no sense to me, just blue post it, why not?

Yeah, I’ve seen it happen here and elsewhere, even with the video to go with it.

Person A says “XYZ” on camera.

Everybody else “They said ‘ZZYXY’ and we’re freaked out!”

Thanks for that input I saw a video on YouTube the layering makes me feel a million times better.

The devs have been intentionally tight lipped on this topic. Staysafe directly asked them about server pops and they said they couldn’t talk about it. I really wonder what they think they need to hide.

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Thanks for all the replies and input I am so excited for classic. I may not even bother to do second part for flying on retail if it clashes with classic.
Already got some old vanilla friends who are going to play even though most are older now married etc.
Even though blizz has kind of coasted in retail
on this expat it seems the right blizz people really are putting heart into classic.
I hope they have an option for graphics as it was I know people on beta are turning them all down but still looks new. On the other hand some are playing it all max except water on low it does look amazing I suppose play both ways.
I look forward to making some new friends in classic cheers.

I say you should wait for sure. Imo why even play like you said! Good luck, ill be playing.

The video is of the developer saying it out of his own mouth so I’m going to take that as “official”.

Hadn’t seen the video four days ago when that was posted. And the video wasn’t linked so it was hearsay at that point in time.

But just to really get clarity, is that as official as J. Allen Brack’s “official” stance of “you think you do but you don’t”? Or more official than that?

I don’t know. Maybe you can check Fox News to see if it’s fake or not.

Epic zinger.

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I think that is more a matter of trying to protect the servers from people trying to deliberately grief severs/blizzard among other things. Mega-Guilds, or other groups capable of creating mega-guilds could use that information to deliberately cause problems.

Basically people are ___hats, and if you give them a chance to cause mayhem, many are going to take full advantage of the opportunity given. Blizzard has opted not to give them that information at this time.

The other side of things is they have projections for what they think the numbers should work out to be on the hardware end. That said, those numbers haven’t seen real world testing. So they’re also protecting against “We said it could do X, but after further testing we discovered it can only handle 2/3rds of that.”

With the resulting rage from players because “Blizzard changed their numbers.” “Blizzard lied.” So on and so forth.

The important part of this issue is that it doesn’t matter how many players the servers can hold. The original Vanilla WoW world was designed to handle only about 3.5k players. If Classic servers have more players, perhaps many more players, on them then that is a huge inaccuracy of the recreation.

They can also merge servers which is what they did around 2014.

They want to avoid that.

That’s part of why they are going ahead with layering. The idea is fewer servers (with layers to handle the surplus population) will lead to realms with healthy populations months into Classic