Realm Transfers No Longer Restricted

So is Grobbulus going to become a horde or alliance PvE server now? Predictions?

Thanks for paying $25 per alt to xfer off and alleviate queues so blizzard didn’t have to actually do any real work or use their own money.

Thanks for paying another $25 per alt to xfer back to the server you left.

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Neither. We’ll just be a balanced server with queues.

To anyone thinking of transferring to Grobbulus:

If you don’t like RP and WPVP, please stay away from Grobb, you’ll have a better time on Benediction or Faerlina (with a larger population to play with too). We’re the last bastion of RP-PVP and we do not want these activities to die off; last time we had a big transfer wave, it really hurt our community vibe because most of the transfers didn’t care about the reason this realm even exists and actively scoffed at RPers/WPVPers.

If WPVP is your jam and you RP or can treat the roleplayers respectfully: jump right in, the water’s fine, you’ll find what you’re looking for on Grobb. :slightly_smiling_face:


Sending all characters to grobb thanks blizz

Connected realms would of fixed it.

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Yeeehaw! I can finally merge all of my characters to the same server. Thanks classic team!

At last! Benediction I’m coming for you

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Hes right, they changed the system. Now you have to buy the transfer before using it. Before it asked you which toon, and where you wanted to go, and then you hit “purchase” if it wasnt eligible it would just error out.

But I can confirm faerlina is also open… It appears there are no more restrictions on xfers at the moment.

So the Eranikus queue shelter was cool and all for the start… but now that we’re sub 5k and with this very likely further dwindling (particular at the top player side)… any chance for some free xfers back to reality?

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Alliance on Sulfuras need some help, in the form of free transfers off.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

“Sorry guys, we’re giving up on managing server populations after a pathetic semi-effort, now give us your money for transfers!”


heres the thing to get from this: dont deal with creatures, creatures r dangerous n stupid. the game lets us have the choice where to put our characters and this idiot is so dumb its complainin that we have the choice and that it should be taken away from us without any thought to how that might affect thins

stop worryin about that. thats not for u to worry about. if u used ur brain youd know u cant control that, cant control where people play or ppl wanna play on a packed server to get a more social experience. worry about urself if its a q its a q in the history of this game theres never been long q’s if u used ur brain

and a q is not the worst thin ever. brains like urs r what make this game so annoyin

boo that sucks

just to update logs

just to update logs. GG

Ah yes silly me I must have just imagined remotely logging in at 6AM ST so that I could hopefully get on by 4PM ST on Grobbulus. Funny how our brains can just make up stories like that huh.

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so does this means i can finally transfer my shaman from old blanchy (US west) to benediction (US east)? just wanted to confirm to be sure before buying that character transfer

iirc it would prompt you to pick the character and destination and confirm it’s possible before proceeding to the checkout screen