My realm could definitely use some more merges. I think my cluster already has 8 servers on it but there’s still like less than 100 people on at any given time. The only time I have a remote chance of talking to someone is if I’m in org general.
Uh oh, you just said the m-word.
I see you ignored what was being said to instead act passive aggressive with snide remarks.
Kind of like how Blizzard has been ignoring low population realms in the current year.
Connect Earthen Ring to one of the larger RP ones please
imo the best thing for the game would be to have like 15 total servers made up of clusters that are all connected
Out of all the realms that need a connection, I think Blizzard hates Earthen Ring the most. Someone at the company must’ve been killed by someone from ER in a battleground one too many times, and is now dead set on watching the realm die out.
We have no server identity or pride anymore.
Imagine if football’s popularity decreased and they decided to merge the Arizona Cardinals, the Los Angeles Rams, the San Francisco 49ers, and the Seattle Seahawks.
The teams could keep their names but players from any of the teams could play in the same game, on the same field, at the same time.
What a confusing mess it would be and players (and fans) would find it hard to care about their team anymore and many of them might consider switching to basketball.
This isn’t even something to do with the game “dying” really.
This has been a problem even back when the game was “healthy”. Even when it was considered a good game still back in Legion.
They’ve needed to do this for YEARS. Everyone’s congregated on servers like A52.
I remember posts like the OP’s being made in earlier expansions. The first realm connections were made during Mists of Pandaria, so obviously it’s something that’s been on Blizzard’s radar for a long time. Even in WotLK, realms like Maiev and Vashj were severely underpopulated and there were threads on the forums asking for help for these realms.
Yeah some of those “Connected Realms” were absolute GHOST TOWNS. I’m talking like 10 players in major cities and stuff.
There’s no excuse for it to be this bad.
Edit: never mind.
No. If you want a fuller server then go to one. Some people want a desolate experience where they feel like the lone hero and not just another nameless mook standing in line for a quest giver to do the same request as the last 75 “heroes” in front of you. I get you want something else, but do not ruin what others want to get what you want easier. I chose an empty server so I could feel like my actions were epic. The lone Hero saving Azeroth. Then the realms got connected, now I have to wait in line for quest items. Not very epic. Why even ask me to do a quest Mrs. Questgiver, 75 people just did it for you. They are here in line for rewards. Not a Hero experience, just another day at work.
Moon Guard
That’s all well and good, but with cross realm zones, you won’t get that anymore. Even people on the most depopulated realms in the game share cross realms with mega servers (i.e., Turalyon has people from Stormrage hogging everything the sun touches).
The downside of cross realm zones is the fact that you cannot join the guilds of these players you encounter or trade with them, but you are still competing for mobs and nodes with these players. They are an illusion to make the game feel more alive.
Connecting realms fully would give players on these realms a chance to join new guilds and meet new people, without having to pay $25 a character to transfer. At the current moment, CRZ gives all of the downsides of connected realms but none of the benefits.
Realm/server merger is not the reason these games died, it’s just a consequence of the real problems that killed it. It’s a attempt to keep many players possible to get more money until the shutdown day. If they not merged any realm/server it would make no difference to their final fate.
Blizzard will never do merges, because they have found a better way to implement a merger, which is called “connected”. Connected realms have all the advantages of a merger with none of the bad side-effects. Its a win-win.
Blizzard should connect all realms together, big single connected realm. This would solve most problems, from raiding to pvp to AH and others.
That doesn’t stack up with reality.
Look at World of Warcraft. It has gone through multiple expansions that have been considered bad, Blizzard itself has gone through multiple scandals just this year, and yet there is still a significant population, with many high pop and full realms. The ‘real problems’ haven’t really made a dent, even the lawsuit, which everyone expected would cause a dent in Blizzard’s MAU count, didn’t result in any significant player losses. Their MAU count remained the same.
I guarantee you though, if Blizzard started merging servers, you’d see the population drop faster than a lead balloon.
Every single one of those MMOs had issues, but they did not start seeing massive population drops until they started merging servers, either in an attempt to consolidate populations on low pop realms, or as a cost saving measure.
Blizzard was on a connection spree last year (when the game was in a better place), then abruptly stopped after they had issues with the Khadgar realm connection. There are realms that were left unconnected and are in really bad places right now.
Why were certain realms given preferential treatment and connected with 6 to 9 other realms, giving them healthier populations, but other realms are still stuck with zero or one connection over a year later? Why is Blizzard straight up ignoring certain realms and allowing them to die? The last official communication about realm connections on retail realms was in September of 2020.
Yes but why did they start merging servers? I find it hard to believe it was just the money after learning about all the issues the management team created.