Realm forums?

Now that the name reservation has occurred, I’m hoping that Blizzard will see that this is potentially an opportunity to create realm forums, i.e. a separate section within Classic where each realm can congregate and post threads.

Many people, via name reservation, will have decided which realm they will be playing on, and a large part of Classic is the community that surrounds it.

Should Blizzard decide to implement forums such as these, I believe it will provide an opportunity for players, whilst we’re waiting these final two weeks, to begin discussions and form a community with players that we will be playing with in two weeks from now.



I mean, I’m on Pagle, it’s full of great people, min/maxxers and raiders, but I have literally no way to contact any of them for raid opportunities.

yes please. most already have realm discords.

Hopefully soon, if we can annoy them enough :stuck_out_tongue:

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