Realm forums for each Realm

Yes please!


I support this


This is pure lazyness if they dont do that, a forum section need 0 server processing and almost 0 server space + this is fast to make. +1


How have they not done this already? People. People! Come on. Play like a champion!
When you go into Deadmines, you don’t go in with only one stack of Melon Juice - you go in with at least five stacks. When you’re out of combat, you sit and you drink because you don’t know when the next patrol is going to get pulled because a mob ran away from the pack you were fighting. You don’t know if the mobs on the ship are going to bug out this time. So you drink because you can - because you brought extra, and you’re ready. You came prepared.
Blizzard, when we pull, we pull fast, and we pull hard. Watch mana and go like hell. When you step into 1.13.2, I want you to come prepared. Show your teeth, and give us some realm forums.


I suspect we’ll get them at launch.


Gathering every post together.


You’re a whole other level of crazy…
…and I LIKE IT!


Yes please. I would absolutely love to chat with my fellow Grobbs <3

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I was actually coming here tonight to see what the community of the last two servers I was deciding between to roll on was like and introduce myself. Kinda bummed.

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I am not sure why I assumed this was already going to happen.

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Please give us realm forums blizzard <3

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They are not prepared! no server forum, no SA server, no spanish server in europe, 1.12 item stats and 1.12 class change at launch with no tuning of the content lol


We need individual classic realm forums, as well as classic classes forums. I fail to see the point of holding off until release.


Blizz when will we get realm forums?

I think its a great idea. Restricted to those only active on that realm. Like a community newspaper!

Sorry for the Necro, but I used the search function and this was the oldest realm forum related post.

While realm forums for the Classic WoW would definitely help foster that sense of community that existed at the time, blizzard would be forced to do the same thing with all of the Modern WoW servers or they’d complain.

On top of that, they’d probably have to hire more moderators and CMs and stuff.

I support realm forums, but I don’t see it happening.

No, they won’t. The way these “forums” work, the mods pretty much just deal with reports. Doesn’t matter where the thread/post is. They do not sit in specific forum sections monitoring the chat.

To answer the OP thought, Blizzard stated that there will be separate realm forums after release. They likely only want to do it once, so maybe they are waiting to see just how many realms there will end up being.

Realm forums exist for modern WoW. No one uses them anymore because realm community is dead.

I’ll be damned.

They’re hidden down at the very bottom.
I was looking for buttons like they have for the non-realm forums.

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Yeah, the new modern design of this website is pretty abysmal. Par for the course in light of how horrendous the “forums” now work compared to during vanilla.