Realm Connections -- September 29

You can add Silver Hand to that list, too. We’d love to have you.


Any idea when connections will be finished?

Just gonna throw another please Merge Earthen Ring. Low pop is hurting! Just look at some finance analysis!



OP for the quoted post above - thanks Vanral.

Earthen Ring has been my WoW home for over a decade. We are the 8th smallest server in the world and we need a server merge or connect BEFORE Shadowlands.

If October 27 comes and goes, and Earthen Ring isn’t merged by then, we will see a 2 month expansion of the player base that will look like a recovery to being just another low pop server… But it won’t be.

The inevitable drop off will put us right back to where we were before, and we’ll have to revive this campaign all over again.

Raid guilds can’t recruit full raid groups. Cities sometime appear full, but are a reminder that other servers have a healthy player base because most are not actually on our server because of phasing.

And the economy isn’t just a low pop economy. It constantly teeters on the edge of ruin, because a single daily playing character can save up enough gold in a short period of time to run a monopoly on the most common, highest volume trade goods like cloth, herbs, and ore.

The average player seldom steps into an Auction House on ER, if ever.

Roleplay on this RP server is relegated to inter-guild RP, because most people left years ago to the high pop RP servers. Basically, in all metrics, it is a server that is a perfect candidate for a merge.

Please, Blizzard. We’ve been begging since February this time around. You can expect respectful but urgent suggestions from my account and others every week until something changes.


ANY news for Brazilian realms?? There is no way Gallywix isn’t qualified for a realm connection.