Getting a server connection is nice, although, both these already connected realms are majorly alliance based… About 70% of the player base. It would have been nice to balance it. It’s currently real hard to play on servers like Alleria and try to push content on Horde side when the population just doesn’t exist. Sure, we could server transfer, but that would mean 12-15 friends moving. I don’t know what Blizzard is looking at when they connect servers, and I surely don’t have the knowledge to fully understand how it works. But, over the total population, balancing the realm would be really nice so guild can actually progress and do the content gated behind 20+ people…
Raider io.
What Zaria said.
It’s not perfect, but it’s the best metric we have.
Weekly post where I ask for Maelstrom and connected realms to be further connected with other RP realms.
Thank you.
You won’t see queues, no. Although I don’t think this has much to do with anything either considering the fact that Gorefiend has forever been a medium pop realm since being connected moons ago to Eredar, Spinebreaker, and Wildhamimer. And we just got connected again and have been sitting at high-full pop since then.
Oh trade chat is absolutely wretched on these realms now. I’ve left trade chat on all my toons there.
Agreed though - chat is worse, lag is worse, mob contention is worse… it’s not all rainbows and ponies. I will say it has brought a ton of new life to moonrunner/gnomeregan though. Albeit not all of it good.
So, at some point in the future I’m gonna expect that all of WoW’s servers will be merged together, like US with the entire US, etc.
Is the BMAH connected as well, or is still server by server?
connected as well
I can’t see how chat would be worse, per se, on AT. It’s non existent here.
FWIW, our lockout on Velen/Eonar as far as I know didn’t break with the connection since it was your servers that got copied to our database. So if they are planning to copy Skullcrusher/Black Dragonflight/Gul’dan to our database (I’m assuming they are because it makes more sense to copy the smaller database to the bigger one), then you should be ok.
Now that I think of it, we could have given you our lockout when yours broke the other week since we aren’t doing progression anymore this tier. Although that would have only been 5 dead bosses lol.
how about a list we can all read that shows the server mergers?
it was listed but is now gone.
Where is the list that has literally every server name and what it is connected to, all neatly done so it is easily readable?
This is about as good as you’re going to get.
(rip, lost my TL3 for inactivity, can’t link now lol)
They really need to do something about the realm list in game though. Returning to Battlegroup naming with all connected realms belonging to it listed beneath in an expand/collapse style list would be great.
Still nothing on the mythic lockouts?
I think they can handle more players than previous launches. My guess is you’ll be fine.
Why would the connect things to the highest populated RP realms, Instead they could connect realms like kirin tor and argent dawn.
They can connect low population server to high pop similar to what they did to frostmourne… Not because the high population servers need more connections, but because giving low pop realms access to the high pop servers economy is a big win for them.
Also they can never connect Kirin tor or argent dawn to a realm like MG/WRA since they are in different data centres.
If they connect a realm to MG/WRA, it would either be a realm like Feathermoon or Silver Hand.
I think the point was that instead of connecting realms to MG/WRA they should connect them to Kirin Tor or Argent Dawn. Or actually connect those 2 together.
They can do both where appropriate.
This makes me very happy, high time we got some new people. Darrowmere and Windrunner are Alliance heavy, I wonder if the connection will maintain the current balance or change it in one direction.
Well timed too, Windrunner and Darrowmere just dropped to low pop from medium, last time we did that was in WoD.