Ready for Christmas, Kids?

Well I became the boring old guy my childhood me would have hated. I honestly don’t really want to get anything this year because of the financial burden this year has been, but some people in my life are very insistent so I’m mostly looking forward to some new clothes. I think the most exciting thing is a board game.

I bought myself the framed Shadowlands art collage…beautiful.

Less wait time for Tanks and Healers in M+, please.

Wait, people gets christmas gifts?

Nope because I don’t celebrate any religious based holiday. So I shall be working both days.

I’m getting a Lenneth Valkyrie body pillow to warm these cold winter nights.

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I think this year will be great. I got my family some really cool gifts and the best part is always spending time together. I have two fake trees up with lights and bulbs so plenty of room for gifts. I also have this cute little Christmas teddy bear as a decoration just sitting on one of the chairs.

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You don’t get any Christmas gifts? :frowning:

I’m not a Christian. I’ve never attended a church service, but I’ve always loved Christmas. I’ve always celebrated Christmas secularly.

Think last time I got one was when I was 15.

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